AcceleratorOscillator | Identifies possible trend reversals |
AccessRights | cBots and Indicators Access Rights. |
AccountSwitchedEventArgs | Provides data for the account switched event. |
AccountType | Returns current account type |
AccumulativeSwingIndex | A variation on Wilder's swing index which plots an accumulation of the swing index value of each candlestick or bar. |
ActiveFrameChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the active frame changed event. |
Algo | The container class for the main cAlgo.API Interfaces. |
AlgoInstanceParameter | The interface representing an indicator / robot instance parameter. Provides properties that allow for accessing various information about an algo instance parameter. |
AlgoInstanceParameters | Represents the collection of all the parameters of an indicator or Robot. |
AlgoKind | Represents the predefined kinds of algorithm types. |
AlgoParameter | Represents an algorithm parameter. |
AlgoParameterType | Represents the different types of algorithm parameters. |
AlgoRegistry | Provides all installed algorithms data |
AlgoType | Base type for representing an algorithm. |
AlgoTypeChangedEventArgs | Provides data for Algo type changed event. |
AlgoTypeDeletedEventArgs | Provides data for Algo type deleted event. |
AlgoTypeEventArgs | Base structure that provides data for Algo registry events. |
AlgoTypeInstalledEventArgs | Provides data for Algo type installed event. |
Alligator | Legendary trader Bill Williams, an early pioneer of market psychology, developed the trend-following Alligator indicator, which follows the premise that financial markets and individual securities trend just 15% to 30% of the time while grinding through sideways ranges the other 70% to 85% of the time. |
Application | Represents the application. |
Aroon | An indicator for identifying trends in a currency pair, as well as for gauging the probability of a trend reversal. |
Asp | Represents the active symbol panel. |
AspBlock | Represents an active symbol panel block. |
AspBlockAttachedEventArgs | Provides data for plugin ASP block attached event. |
AspBlockDetachedEventArgs | Provides data for plugin ASP block detached event. |
AspBlockUpdatedEventArgs | Provides data for plugin ASP block updated event. |
AspSymbolChangedEventArgs | Provides data for active symbol panel symbol changed event. |
AspSymbolTab | Active symbol panel tab. |
AspTab | Represents an active symbol panel tab. |
AspTabIsSelectedChangedEventArgs | Provides data for plugin ASP tab IsSelectedChanged event. |
Asset | The asset represents a currency. |
Assets | Represents the list of all the assets with the asset names as string values. |
AverageDirectionalMovementIndexRating | The Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR) measures the strength of the Average Directional Movement Index (ADX). It's calculated by taking the average of the current ADX and the ADX from one time period before. |
AverageTrueRange | Average true range. An indicator providing the degree of price volatility. |
AwesomeOscillator | Displays the market momentum as a histogram. |
Backtesting | Provides methods and events to manage and monitor backtesting processes. |
BacktestingCompletedEventArgs | Provides data for the backtesting completed event. |
BacktestingDataMode | Specifies the data mode used for backtesting. |
BacktestingError | %DOCUMENTATION% |
BacktestingProcess | Represents a backtesting process with methods and properties to monitor its status and results. |
BacktestingProgressChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the backtesting progress changed event. |
BacktestingSettings | Represents settings for configuring the backtesting process. |
Bar | Represents the Bar object. |
BarClosedEventArgs | Provides data for the event when a bar closed on the chart. |
BarOpenedEventArgs | Provides data for the event when a new bar opened on the chart. |
Bars | Represents the Bars interface - the collection of Bar objects. |
BarsHistoryLoadedEventArgs | Provides data for the history loaded event. |
BarsTickEventArgs | Provides data for the tick bar event. |
BollingerBands | Bollinger Bands are used to confirm signals. The bands indicate overbought and oversold levels relative to a moving average. |
Border | Represents the border. |
Button | Represents the button. |
ButtonClickEventArgs | Represents the button click event data. |
Canvas | Defines an area to position child elements by coordinates relative to the Canvas area. |
CenterOfGravity | The Center of Gravity (COG) indicator is a technical indicator developed by John Ehlers in 2002, used to identify potential turning points in the price as early as possible. |
ChaikinMoneyFlow | The Chaikin Money Flow Indicator measures the amount of Money Flow Volume over a specific period. The resulting indicator fluctuates above/below the zero line. |
ChaikinVolatility | The Chaikin Volatility Indicator interface. |
CharacterCasing | Specifies the case of characters typed manually into a TextBox control. |
Chart | Represents the Chart Interface. |
ChartActivationChangedEventArgs | Provides data for chart activated/deactivated events |
ChartAndrewsPitchfork | Represents the Andrew's Pitchfork chart object. A tool that helps to identify possible support and resistance levels with the three parallel lines. |
ChartArea | The Chart Area Interface. |
ChartArrow | Represents the arrow chart object. |
ChartColorEventArgs | Provides data for the chart color event. |
ChartColorSettings | Represents the charts Color Settings. |
ChartContainer | Represents a chart frames container. |
ChartContainers | Represents the list of all the chart containers. |
ChartContainersAddedEventArgs | Provides data for the containers added event. |
ChartContainersRemovedEventArgs | Provides data for the containers removed event. |
ChartDisplaySettings | Represents the chart display settings. |
ChartDisplaySettingsEventArgs | Provides data for the chart display settings event. |
ChartDragEventArgs | Provides data for the chart dragging event. |
ChartDrawing | Represents the Drawing chart object. |
ChartEllipse | Represent the Ellipse chart object. |
ChartEquidistantChannel | Represents the Equidistant Channel chart object. The tool that allows drawing two precisely parallel lines in any direction on the chart. |
ChartFibonacciBase | Represents the Fibonacci tools options. |
ChartFibonacciExpansion | Represents the Fibonacci Expansion chart object. |
ChartFibonacciFan | Represents the Fibonacci Fan chart object. |
ChartFibonacciRetracement | Represents the Fibonacci Retracement chart object. |
ChartFibonacciTimezones | Represents the Fibonacci Timezones chart object. |
ChartFrame | Represents a chart frame. |
ChartFrameLinkedChartGroupChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the chart frame LinkedChartGroup changed event. |
ChartHorizontalLine | Represents the Horizontal Line chart object. Used to mark a certain value on the Y-axis throughout the whole chart. |
ChartIcon | Represents the Icon chart object. |
ChartIconType | Represents the type of the Icon. |
ChartIndicator | The interface representing an indicator attached to a chart.Provides properties that allow for accessing various information about an indicator. |
ChartIndicatorAddedEventArgs | The class representing AddedEventArgs for a ChildIndicator. |
ChartIndicatorEventArgs | The base class representing event args for a ChartIndicator. |
ChartIndicatorModifiedEventArgs | The class representing ModifiedEventArgs for a ChartIndicator. |
ChartIndicatorRemovedEventArgs | The class representing RemovedEventArgs for a ChartIndicator. |
ChartIndicators | The interface representing a chart indicator instances collection.Provides properties and events that allow for accessing various information about indicators attached to a chart. |
ChartKeyboardEventArgs | Provides data for chart keyboard related events and callbacks |
ChartManager | Represents the list of all the chart frames. |
ChartMode | Represents the predefined chart container modes. |
ChartMouseEventArgs | Provides data for the mouse related routed events. |
ChartMouseWheelEventArgs | Provides data for the mouse wheel scroll event. |
ChartObject | Represents the chart object. |
ChartObjectEventArgs | Provides data for the chart object change event. |
ChartObjectHoverChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the mouse hover over a chart object event. |
ChartObjectsAddedEventArgs | Provides data for the adding chart objects event. |
ChartObjectsEventArgs | Provides data for the chart objects change event. |
ChartObjectsRemovedEventArgs | Provides data for the removing chart objects event. |
ChartObjectsSelectionChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the chart objects selecting or deselecting event. |
ChartObjectsUpdatedEventArgs | Provides data for the chart objects update event. |
ChartObjectType | The chart object types. |
ChartRectangle | Represents the Rectangle chart object. A rectangle of any preferable size and rotation that can be drawn directly in the chart, bound to X-Y axises. |
ChartRobot | The interface representing a Robot instance attached to a chart.Provides properties that allow for accessing various information about a Robot. |
ChartRobotAddedEventArgs | The class representing AddedEventArgs for a ChartRobot. |
ChartRobotEventArgs | The base class representing event args for a ChartRobot. |
ChartRobotModifiedEventArgs | The class representing ModifiedEventArgs for a ChartRobot. |
ChartRobotRemovedEventArgs | The class representing RemovedEventArgs for a ChartRobot. |
ChartRobots | The interface representing a chart Robot instances collection.Provides properties and events that allow for accessing various information about Robots attached to a chart. |
ChartRobotsPermission | Chart Robots Permission |
ChartRobotStartedEventArgs | The class representing StartedEventArgs for a ChartRobot. |
ChartRobotStoppedEventArgs | The class representing StoppedEventArgs for a ChartRobot. |
ChartScrollEventArgs | Provides data for the chart scrolling event. |
ChartShape | Represents the Shape chart object. Allows drawing a Rectangle, a Triangle, and an Ellipse on the chart. |
ChartSizeEventArgs | Provides data for the chart size change event. |
ChartStaticText | Represents the chart static text. |
ChartText | Represents the Text chart object. Allows place the text anywhere on the chart, bound to the chart. |
ChartTrendLine | Represents the Trend Line chart object. A straight line that can be drawn from point 1 to the point 2 in any direction to mark the trends on the chart. |
ChartTriangle | Represents the Triangle chart object. |
ChartType | Represents the predefined chart types. |
ChartTypeEventArgs | Provides data for the chart type chage event. |
ChartVerticalLine | Represents the Vertical Line chart object. The line parallel to the Y-axis that can be set on a certain time value on the X-axis. |
ChartVisibilityChangedEventArgs | Provides data for chart visibility changed event |
ChartZoomEventArgs | Provides data for the chart type change event. |
CheckBox | Represents the Checkbox. |
CheckBoxEventArgs | Provides data for the checkbox event. |
CloudAttribute | Represents the cloud between the indicator lines. |
Color | Represents an ARGB (alpha, red, green, blue) color. |
ColorTheme | Represents the color theme. |
ColorThemeChangeEventArgs | Provides data for the color theme change event. |
ComboBox | A control that shows drop down list of items and allows user to select a single item from the list |
ComboBoxSelectedItemChangedEventArgs | Provides data for ComboBox SelectedItemChanged event handlers |
Command | Represents a plugin command. |
CommandArgs | Represents a plugin command callback arguments. |
CommandResult | Represents the result of a command execution. |
Commands | Represents the collection of plugin commands. |
CommandType | Represents the predefined types of plugin commands. |
CommodityChannelIndex | The Commodity Channel Index interface. |
Control | Represents the Chart Control class. |
ControlBase | Represents the base of chart controls. |
ControlProperty | Represents the Control property enumeration used in Style to get or set a style for a specific property. |
ControlState | Represents the chart control state. |
CornerRadius | Represents the radii of a rectangle's corners. |
CustomControl | Represents the custom control to create reusable controls with customized look and behavior. |
CustomFrame | Represents a custom frame. |
CyberCycle | The Cyber Cycles Oscillator is an indicator designed by John Ehlers, it is used for isolating the cycle component of the market from its trend counterpart. |
DataSeries | Represents a read only list of values, typically used to represent market price series. The values are accessed with an array-like [] operator. |
DefaultStyles | Represent the list of default styles for the built-in controls. |
DetachedWindow | Used to represent the properties of a detached window. |
DetrendedPriceOscillator | The Detrended Price Oscillator Indicator interface. |
DirectionalMovementSystem | The Welles Wilder's Directional Movement Indicator calculation. |
Dock | Specifies where a chart control will be docked inside the DockPanel. |
DockPanel | Defines the area where you can arrange child elemens either horizontally or vertically, relative to each other. |
DonchianChannel | The Donchian channel is a volatility indicator forming a channel between the highest high and the lowest low of the chosen period. |
DrawingColorChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the drawing color changed event. |
EaseOfMovement | Ease of Movement is a volume based oscillator that measures the "ease" of price movement. |
Ellipse | Represents the ellipse shape. |
Error | Encapsulates an error code. |
ErrorCode | Enumeration of standard error codes. |
ExecuteScriptResult | The result of JavaScript execution on a WebView control. |
ExponentialMovingAverage | The exponential moving average of the price data source over a period of time. |
FibonacciLevel | Represents the Fibonacci Level. |
FillRule | Specifies how the intersecting areas of PathFigure objects contained in a Geometry are combined to form the area of the Geometry. |
FontStyle | Specifies style information applied to text. |
FontWeight | Specifies the weight or thickness of the font. |
FractalChaosBands | The Fractal Chaos Bands indicator attempts to determine whether or not the market is trending. |
Fractals | The fractal indicator is a trading indicator used in technical analysis that is used to identify potential trend reversal points in a market. |
Frame | Base interface for chart frames. |
FrameAttachedEventArgs | Provides data for the frame attached event. |
FrameContainerChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the frame container changed event. |
FrameDetachedEventArgs | Provides data for the frame detached event. |
FramesAddedEventArgs | Provides data for the frames added event. |
FrameSizeChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the frame size changed event. |
FramesRemovedEventArgs | Provides data for the frames removed event. |
Functions | This class contains valuable functions that apply to DataSeries. |
GetFitnessArgs | Represents the custom fitness calculation interface. |
Grid | Represents the Grid class. |
GridColumn | Represents the column of the grid. |
GridLength | Represents the length of the grid. |
GridRow | Represents the row of the grid. |
GridUnitType | Represents the type of the grid unit. |
HighMinusLow | Difference between MarketSeries.High and MarketSeries.Low calculation for each index |
HistoricalTrade | Represents the historical trade interface. |
HistoricalVolatility | The measured price fluctuation over a specified time period. |
History | Provides access to methods of the historical trades collection |
HorizontalAlignment | Describes horizontal position related to an anchor point or a parent element |
Http | The Https interface contains the methods necessary for sending HTTP requests. |
HttpException | Represents errors that may occur during HTTP request |
HttpMethod | An enumeration of different HTTP Methods. |
HttpRequest | The class representing an HTTP request. |
HttpRequestHeaders | The class that represents an HTTP request headers collection. |
HttpResponse | The class representing an HTTP response. |
HttpResponseHeaders | The class that represents an HTTP response headers collection. |
HttpVersionPolicy | An enumeration of different HTTP version policies. |
HullMovingAverage | The Hull Moving Average (HMA) is a directional trend indicator. It captures the current state of the market and uses recent price action to determine if conditions are bullish or bearish relative to historical data. |
IAccount | Contains the current account information. |
IAssetConverter | Its an interface for converting an asset / currency value to another asset / currency value. |
IchimokuKinkoHyo | Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Indicator. |
IIndicatorsAccessor | Accessor to Indicators |
Image | Represents the image chart control. |
Indicator | Base class for Indicators. |
IndicatorArea | Represents the area where the Indicator is placed. |
IndicatorAreaAddedEventArgs | Provides data for the indicator area adding event. |
IndicatorAreaEventArgs | The arguments for the indicator area event. |
IndicatorAreaRemovedEventArgs | Provides data for the indicator area removing event. |
IndicatorAttribute | Indicator Attribute. Applies metadata to enable the indicator plot. |
IndicatorDataSeries | Represents a mutable array of values. An extension of DataSeries used to represent indicator values. |
IndicatorLine | The interface representing an indicator line. Provides properties that allow for accessing various information about a line. |
IndicatorOutput | Represents an indicator output / line. |
IndicatorType | Represents an indicator algorithm type. |
INotifications | It is an interface that represents all Notifications. |
IReadonlyList | Represents a read only collection of a specified type |
IServer | Server related information. |
KeltnerChannels | The Keltner Channels are volatility-based envelopes set above and below an exponential moving average. |
Key | Specifies the possible key values on a keyboard. |
LevelsAttribute | Levels Attribute. Applies metadata to enable the plot of level lines. |
LeverageTier | Tier of dynamic leverage. |
Line | Represents the line shape. |
LinearRegressionForecast | Linear Regression Forecast is one of the indicators calculated by the Linear Regression approach. |
LinearRegressionIntercept | Linear Regression Intercept is one of the indicators calculated by the Linear Regression approach. |
LinearRegressionRSquared | The Linear Regression R Squared is used to confirm the strength of the market trend. |
LinearRegressionSlope | The calculation of the Linear Regression Slope Indicator. |
LineStackingStrategy | Describes a mechanism by which a line box is determined for each line. |
LineStyle | An enumeration of different stroke styles used to render lines. |
LinkedChartGroup | Represents the predefined chart linked groups. |
LocalStorage | Represents the local storage API. |
LocalStorageException | Represents errors that occur during local storage operations. This exception will be passed to cBot / indicator OnException method. |
LocalStorageScope | Defines the local storage scope. |
MacdCrossOver | Calculates the MACD (Moving Average Convergence/Divergence) indicator. |
MacdHistogram | The calculation of the MACD Histogram. |
MarketData | Provide access to charts data (bars and ticks) and to the Depth of Market data. |
MarketDataLoadException | Represents errors that occur during loading market data (Bars/Ticks) |
MarketDepth | Access to MarketDepth Ask Entries, Bid Entries and the event at which the market depth gets updated |
MarketDepthEntry | Provides access to market depth prices and volumes |
MarketHours | Access to symbol's trading sessions schedule |
MarketSession | Represents the predefined market sessions. |
MarketSessionChangedEventArgs | The arguments for MarketSessionsChanged event. |
MassIndex | The Mass Index Indicator interface. |
MedianPrice | A Median Price is an average of one period’s high and low values. |
MessageBox | A message dialog window that you can use to show a message with buttons |
MessageBoxButton | This Enum contains MessageBox buttons |
MessageBoxImage | This Enum contains MessageBox image icons |
MessageBoxResult | This Enum contains MessageBox results |
ModifierKeys | Specifies the set of modifier keys. |
MomentumOscillator | The calculation of the Momentum Oscillator indicator. |
MoneyFlowIndex | The Money Flow Index is an oscillator that calculates buying and selling pressure using typical price and volume. It oscillates between zero and one hundred. It is typically used to identify trend reversals and price extremes. |
MovingAverage | The Moving Average Indicator calculation. |
MovingAverageType | An enumeration of the different MovingAverage weighting (smoothing) methods. |
NegativeVolumeIndex | Dysart's Negative Volume Index assumes that the smart money is active on days when volume decreases and the not-so-smart money is active on days when volume increases (measured by the Positive Volume Index). |
OnBalanceVolume | On Balance Volume measures buying and selling pressure as a cumulative indicator that adds volume on up days and subtracts volume on down days. |
Orientation | Defines the different orientations that panel layout can have. |
OutputAttribute | Sealed Class OutputAttribute |
OwnerType | The types of owners for windows |
Panel | Provides a base class for all Panel elements. Use Panel elements to position and arrange child objects. |
ParabolicSAR | The calculation of the Parabolic SAR Indicator. |
ParameterAttribute | The Parameter Attribute class. |
PendingOrder | Provides access to properties of pending orders |
PendingOrderCancellationReason | The reason for the order cancellation. |
PendingOrderCancelledEventArgs | Provides data for the pending order cancellation event. |
PendingOrderCreatedEventArgs | Provides data for the pending order creation events. |
PendingOrderFilledEventArgs | Provides data for the pending order fill event. |
PendingOrderModifiedEventArgs | Provides data for the pending order modification event. |
PendingOrders | Provides access to methods of the Pending Orders collection |
PendingOrderType | Represents the type (Limit or Stop) of pending order. |
PenLineCap | Describes the shape at the end of a line or segment. |
PenLineJoin | Describes the shape that joins two lines or segments. |
Permission | Base interface for Permissions |
Permissions | Provides all permissions state. |
PlotType | The Plot type. |
Plugin | Base class for Plugins. |
PluginAttribute | Sealed class PluginAttribute. |
PluginType | Represents a plugin algorithm type. |
Point | Represents an x- and y-coordinate pair in two-dimensional space. |
Polygon | Draws a polygon, which is a connected series of lines that form a closed shape. |
Polyline | Draws a series of connected straight lines. |
PolynomialRegressionChannels | Polynomial Regression Channel (PRC) is an RTX Extension indicator that draws a best fit n-degree polynomial regression line through a recent period of data. |
Position | Taking or opening a position means buying or selling a trading pair. |
PositionClosedEventArgs | Provides data for the position closing event. |
PositionCloseReason | The reason for closing the position. |
PositionModifiedEventArgs | Provides data for the position modification event. |
PositionOpenedEventArgs | Provides data for the position opening event. |
Positions | Provides access to methods of the positions collection. |
PositiveVolumeIndex | The positive volume index measures the trend of the stock prices for days when volume increases from previous day's volume. |
PriceOscillator | The Price Oscillator calculates the spread between a short-period moving average and a long-period moving average. |
PriceROC | The Price ROC calculates the percentage change between the most recent price and the n-periods of the past price. |
PriceType | An enumeration of the different price types. |
PriceVolumeTrend | Price and Volume Trend is a variation of On Balance Volume, used to determine the strength of trends and warn of reversals. |
ProportionalAmountType | Defines types of amounts you can use for using symbol volume methods. |
RadioButton | Reporesents the Radiobutton chart control type. |
RadioButtonEventArgs | Represents the radio button actions. |
RainbowOscillator | Developed by Mel Widner, Rainbow Oscillator is based on multiple moving averages and helps to identify trends and provides overbought/oversold levels. |
Rectangle | Represents the rectangle. |
RelativeStrengthIndex | The RSI (Wilder) is momentum oscillator, measuring the velocity and magnitude of directional price movements. |
ResizeMode | Types of resize modes for windows |
Robot | Base class for all cBots. |
RobotAttribute | Sealed class RobotAttribute. |
RobotState | Represents the predefined states of a Robot instance. |
RobotType | Represents a robot / cBot algorithm type. |
RoundingMode | The rounding mode for normalizing trade volume. |
RunningMode | Defines if a cBot is running in real time, in the silent backtesting mode, in the visual backtesting mode, or in the optimization mode. |
ScrollBarVisibility | Specifies the visibility of a ScrollBar for scrollable content. |
ScrollViewer | Represents a scrollable area that can contain other visible elements. |
Shape | Provides the base class for shape elements, such as,, and. |
SimpleMovingAverage | The simple moving average is an average of price within n previous periods. |
SoundType | An enum containing various constants representing different built-in sounds for notifications. |
StackPanel | Arranges the child element into a single line that can be oriented horizontally or vertically. |
StandardDeviation | Standard Deviation measures the market volatility with a commonly used statisctical function. |
StandardIndicator | Base type for standard indicators. |
StochasticOscillator | The Stochastic Oscillator is a momentum indicator that aims to show price reversals by comparing the closing price to the price range. |
StopTriggerMethod | The trigger side for the Stop Orders. |
Stretch | Describes how content is resized to fill its allocated space. |
StretchDirection | Describes how scaling applies to content and restricts scaling to named axis types. |
Style | Represents the style of a chart control. |
Supertrend | Supertrend is one of the most popular trend trading indicators |
SvgIcon | Represents a SVG format vector icon. |
SwingIndex | Developed by Welles Wilder, the Swing Index compares current Open, high, Low and Close prices to find of current and previous periods to find "real" price. |
Symbol | Represents a currency pair. |
SymbolCommissionType | Defines symbol commission types. |
SymbolInfo | Represents the Symbol interface. |
SymbolMinCommissionType | Defines symbol minimum commission types. |
SymbolMinDistanceType | Defines symbol minimum distance types. |
Symbols | Represents the list of all the symbols with the symbol names as string values. |
SymbolSwapCalculationType | Defines the types of calculation for symbol SWAP Long/Short. |
SymbolTickEventArgs | Provides data for the symbol tick event. |
SymbolTradingMode | Defines symbol trading modes. |
TextAlignment | The text alignment regarding the anchor point. |
TextBlock | Represents the Text Block - the control to display a non-interactive text. |
TextBox | Represents the text box class. |
TextChangedEventArgs | Provides data for the TextChanged event. |
TextTrimming | Describes how text is trimmed when it overflows the edge of its containing box. |
TextWrapping | Specifies whether text wraps when it reaches the edge of the containing box. |
Thickness | Defines the thickness of the frame around the rectangle. |
Tick | Represents the Tick object. |
Ticks | Represents the Ticks interface - the collection of Tick objects. |
TicksHistoryLoadedEventArgs | Provides data for the tick history loaded event. |
TicksTickEventArgs | Provides data for the tick event. |
TickVolume | The Tick Volume indicator shows number of ticks for each bar. |
TimeFrame | Contains supported timeframe values. |
Timer | Schedules execution of virtual OnTimer method with specified interval. |
TimeSeries | A series of values that represent time like MarketSeries.OpenTime |
TimeSeriesMovingAverage | A Time Series Moving Average is moving average based on linear regression forecast. |
TimeZones | Standard TimeZones class. |
ToggleButton | Represents the Toggle button. |
ToggleButtonEventArgs | Represents the toggle button event class. |
TotalMarginCalculationType | Defines types of total margin requirements per Symbol. |
TradeOperation | Provides access to the properties describing an asynchronous trade operation. |
TradeResult | The result of a trade operation. |
TradeType | The direction of a trade order. |
TradeVolumeIndex | Trade Volume Index measures the amount of money flowing in and out of an asset. |
TradeWatch | Represents the trade watch panel. |
TradeWatchIsVisibleChangedEventArgs | Provides data for plugin trade watch IsVisibleChanged event. |
TradeWatchSizeChangedEventArgs | Provides data for plugin trade watch SizeChanged event. |
TradeWatchTab | Represents a trade watch panel tab. |
TradeWatchTabAttachedEventArgs | Provides data for plugin trade watch tab attached event. |
TradeWatchTabDetachedEventArgs | Provides data for plugin trade watch tab detached event. |
TradeWatchTabIsSelectedChangedEventArgs | Provides data for plugin trade watch tab IsSelectedChanged event. |
TradeWatchTabSizeChangedEventArgs | Provides data for plugin trade watch tab SizeChanged event. |
TradingPermission | Trading Permission |
TradingSession | Trading session schedule |
TriangularMovingAverage | The Triangular Moving Average is a moving average that gives more weith to values located in the middle of aggregated period. |
Trix | TRIX was developed by Jack Huton. It is a momentum oscillator that will help you filter unimportant price movement. |
TrueRange | The Average True Range is a measure of market volatility developed by Wilder. |
TypicalPrice | A Typical Price is an average of high, low and close values for a single period. |
UltimateOscillator | The Ultimate Oscillator is a technical analysis oscillator based on a notion of buying or selling "pressure". |
UserTimeOffsetChangedEventArgs | Represents the user time offset change event data. |
VerticalAlignment | Describes vertical position related to an anchor point or a parent element. |
VerticalHorizontalFilter | Vertical Horizontal Filter determines whether a price is going through a congestion phase or a trending phase. |
Vidya | Volatility Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA) is a smoothing (moving average) based on dynamically changing periods. |
VolumeOscillator | The Volume Oscillator identifies trends in volume using a two moving average system. A strong trend is signaled when it is positive. Falling volume indicates trend weakness. |
VolumeROC | The Volume Rate of Change indicator measures the Rate Of Change of the tick volume. |
Watchlist | Represents the Watchlist interface. |
WatchlistAddedEventArgs | Occures when a new watchlist is added. |
WatchlistRemovedEventArgs | Occurs when a watchlist is removed from the marketwatch. |
WatchlistRenamedEventArgs | Occurs when the watchlist is renamed. |
Watchlists | Represents the Watchlists interface - allows getting all the watchlists and symbols in them, and receiving the relevant events. |
WatchlistSymbolAddedEventArgs | Occurs when a new symbol is added to the watchlist. |
WatchlistSymbolRemovedEventArgs | Occurs when the symbol is removed from the watchlist. |
WebSocketClient | Represents a web socket client. |
WebSocketClientBinaryReceivedEventArgs | Provides data for WebSocketClient binary data received event. |
WebSocketClientCloseStatus | An enumeration of different Web socket client close states / reasons. |
WebSocketClientConnectedEventArgs | Provides data for Websocket client connected event. |
WebSocketClientDisconnectEventArgs | Provides data for Websocket client disconnected event. |
WebSocketClientOptions | Websocket client options. |
WebSocketClientState | An enumeration of different Web socket client states. |
WebSocketClientTextReceivedEventArgs | Provides data for WebSocketClient text data received event. |
WebView | Represents the image chart control. |
WebViewLoadedEventArgs | Provides data for the WebView control Loaded event. |
WebViewNavigationCompletedEventArgs | Provides data for the WebView control NavigationCompleted event. |
WebViewUnloadedEventArgs | Provides data for the WebView control Unloaded event. |
WebViewWebMessageReceivedEventArgs | Provides data for the WebView control WebMessageReceived event. |
WeightedClose | Weighted Close is an average of high, low and close prices where close has greater weight. |
WeightedMovingAverage | The Weighted Moving Average is a moving average that gives more weith to the latest values. |
WellesWilderSmoothing | The Welles Wilder's Smoothing indicator is an exponential moving average, but it has different alpha ration. As a result it responds to price changes slower. |
WilliamsAccumulationDistribution | William's Accumulation Distribution is an oscillator that can identify if the market is driven by buyers (accumulation) or by sellers (distribution) |
WilliamsPctR | Williams %R is an effective momentum oscillator and was described by Larry Williams for the first time in 1973. |
Window | The window class, you can use it to show a window that can contain other chart controls |
WindowActivatedEventArgs | Provides data for WindowActivated event handlers |
WindowClosedEventArgs | Provides data for WindowClosed event handlers |
WindowDeactivatedEventArgs | Provides data for WindowDeactivated event handlers |
WindowIsVisibleChangedEventArgs | Provides data for WindowIsVisibleChanged event handlers |
WindowLocationChangedEventArgs | Provides data for WindowLocationChanged event handlers |
WindowSizeChangedEventArgs | Provides data for WindowSizeChanged event handlers |
WindowStartupLocation | Types of startup locations that you can use for windows |
WindowState | Types of states for windows |
WrapPanel | Positions the child elements in sequential position from left to right, breaking content to the next line at theend of the containing box, from top to bottom, or from right to left. |