Chart | Represents the Chart Interface. |
ChartAndrewsPitchfork | Represents the Andrew's Pitchfork chart object. A tool that helps to identify possible support and resistance levels with the three parallel lines. |
ChartArea | The Chart Area Interface. |
ChartArrow | Represents the arrow chart object. |
ChartColorSettings | Represents the charts Color Settings. |
ChartDisplaySettings | Represents the chart display settings. |
ChartDrawing | Represents the Drawing chart object. |
ChartEllipse | Represent the Ellipse chart object. |
ChartEquidistantChannel | Represents the Equidistant Channel chart object. The tool that allows drawing two precisely parallel lines in any direction on the chart. |
ChartFibonacciBase | Represents the Fibonacci tools options. |
ChartFibonacciExpansion | Represents the Fibonacci Expansion chart object. |
ChartFibonacciFan | Represents the Fibonacci Fan chart object. |
ChartFibonacciRetracement | Represents the Fibonacci Retracement chart object. |
ChartFibonacciTimezones | Represents the Fibonacci Timezones chart object. |
ChartFrame | Represents a chart frame. |
ChartHorizontalLine | Represents the Horizontal Line chart object. Used to mark a certain value on the Y-axis throughout the whole chart. |
ChartIcon | Represents the Icon chart object. |
ChartIconType | Represents the type of the Icon. |
ChartIndicator | The interface representing an indicator attached to a chart.Provides properties that allow for accessing various information about an indicator. |
ChartIndicators | The interface representing a chart indicator instances collection.Provides properties and events that allow for accessing various information about indicators attached to a chart. |
ChartObject | Represents the chart object. |
ChartObjectType | The chart object types. |
ChartRectangle | Represents the Rectangle chart object. A rectangle of any preferable size and rotation that can be drawn directly in the chart, bound to X-Y axises. |
ChartRobot | The interface representing a Robot instance attached to a chart.Provides properties that allow for accessing various information about a Robot. |
ChartRobots | The interface representing a chart Robot instances collection.Provides properties and events that allow for accessing various information about Robots attached to a chart. |
ChartShape | Represents the Shape chart object. Allows drawing a Rectangle, a Triangle, and an Ellipse on the chart. |
ChartStaticText | Represents the chart static text. |
ChartText | Represents the Text chart object. Allows place the text anywhere on the chart, bound to the chart. |
ChartTrendLine | Represents the Trend Line chart object. A straight line that can be drawn from point 1 to the point 2 in any direction to mark the trends on the chart. |
ChartTriangle | Represents the Triangle chart object. |
ChartType | Represents the predefined chart types. |
ChartVerticalLine | Represents the Vertical Line chart object. The line parallel to the Y-axis that can be set on a certain time value on the X-axis. |
FibonacciLevel | Represents the Fibonacci Level. |
HorizontalAlignment | Describes horizontal position related to an anchor point or a parent element |
IndicatorArea | Represents the area where the Indicator is placed. |
IndicatorLine | The interface representing an indicator line. Provides properties that allow for accessing various information about a line. |
LineStyle | An enumeration of different stroke styles used to render lines. |
RobotState | Represents the predefined states of a Robot instance. |
VerticalAlignment | Describes vertical position related to an anchor point or a parent element. |