Asset | The asset represents a currency. |
Assets | Represents the list of all the assets with the asset names as string values. |
Bar | Represents the Bar object. |
Bars | Represents the Bars interface - the collection of Bar objects. |
IAssetConverter | Its an interface for converting an asset / currency value to another asset / currency value. |
LeverageTier | Tier of dynamic leverage. |
MarketData | Provide access to charts data (bars and ticks) and to the Depth of Market data. |
MarketDataLoadException | Represents errors that occur during loading market data (Bars/Ticks) |
MarketDepth | Access to MarketDepth Ask Entries, Bid Entries and the event at which the market depth gets updated |
MarketDepthEntry | Provides access to market depth prices and volumes |
MarketHours | Access to symbol's trading sessions schedule |
MarketSession | Represents the predefined market sessions. |
ProportionalAmountType | Defines types of amounts you can use for using symbol volume methods. |
RoundingMode | The rounding mode for normalizing trade volume. |
Symbol | Represents a currency pair. |
SymbolCommissionType | Defines symbol commission types. |
SymbolInfo | Represents the Symbol interface. |
SymbolMinCommissionType | Defines symbol minimum commission types. |
SymbolMinDistanceType | Defines symbol minimum distance types. |
Symbols | Represents the list of all the symbols with the symbol names as string values. |
SymbolSwapCalculationType | Defines the types of calculation for symbol SWAP Long/Short. |
SymbolTradingMode | Defines symbol trading modes. |
Tick | Represents the Tick object. |
Ticks | Represents the Ticks interface - the collection of Tick objects. |
TradingSession | Trading session schedule |