Customising an Algorithm¶
If you are the author of an algorithm, you can customise how it appears to other users.
To customise an algo, right-click on it in the algo list to the left and then select 'Public Settings' in the context menu.
The algorithm name can only be set during its creation. However, you can always duplicate an algorithm and change its name.
Setting the Avatar¶
You can upload an image that will effectively serve as the 'avatar' of an algorithm. It will be shown to all algorithm users, so make sure to upload something informative and good-looking.
To upload an image or change an existing one, click on the 'Image' field to the right of the algo name. If you have already uploaded an image, click on the image thumbnail. Select the required file from your local machine and upload it. Afterward, apply your changes.
Setting Performance Statistics¶
If you want, you can make sure that ROI charts will always be displayed on the algorithm page.
The ROI charts are generated based on the performance of your chosen live trading account. They reflect all actions you perform, not just the actions performed by the algorithm.
To enable this option, switch to the 'Performance' screen in the 'Public Settings' window. In this tab, enable the 'Display ROI charts' checkbox and select one of your live accounts in the 'Choose live account' selector.
Statistics on the Instance Page
Regardless of whether you enable or disable ROI charts, the instance page will display the statistics of the live account to which this particular instance is attached.
Setting Backtesting Results¶
What Is Backtesting
Backtesting allows you to run a cBot on historical market data under configurable conditions. Read more here.
The backtesting report is one of the most effective ways to promote a cBot. The report displays all essential statistics including balance and equity charts, the number of winning trades, etc.
When the report is shown on mobile devices, it is automatically adapted to fit the screen size, allowing you to promote your cBots to a wide audience.
To add the backtesting report to the algorithm page of one of your cBots, do the following.
- Go to the 'Performance' screen in the 'Public Settings' window
- Tick the 'Display backtesting report' checkbox
- Set the symbol, period, testing period, and the starting capital for backtesting
- Click on 'Apply'
After your click on 'Apply', cTrader will automatically start backtesting. This process may take some time depending on the chosen testing period and your local machine. When the process is completed, the backtesting report will automatically be displayed on the algorithm page.
If you want to stop displaying the current backtesting report, simply untick the 'Display backtesting report' checkbox.
In the 'Public Settings' window, you can only configure the symbol, timeframe, and the startipng capital for backtesting. You cannot conduct backtesting on custom market data from a CSV file and configure other backtesting settings. This is only possible in the 'Backtesting' tab on the instance page of a local cBot instance.