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Cross-Platform cTrader Deeplinks

In this guide, we define the cTrader deeplinks that work for both cTrader Web and Mobile. These deeplinks are grouped according to the areas of cTrader that they direct traders to.

Note that every link listed on this page can have the following additional query parameters.

Parameter Possible Value Definition
?acc A valid account number. If this parameter is included, cTrader switches to the account with the specified number before proceeding to the area denoted in the deeplink.
?lang A valid Alpha-2 (ISO 3166-1) two-letter country code. If this parameter is included, cTrader switches its UI to the specified language before proceeding to the area denoted in the deeplink.


Several deeplinks include values specified in curly brackets (e.g., /orders/create-market-order/{symbol}). These values allow for narrowing down the area to which the user who clicks on a deeplink should be transferred. For example, /orders/create-market-order/{symbol} transfers users to the 'Create Market Order' screen for the symbol the name of which matches the text typed instead of {symbol}. Note that curly brackets are for example purposes only; they are not included in actual deeplinks.

Link Definition
/finder Opens the 'All Symbols' tab.
/watchlists Opens the 'Watchlists' tab.
/symbols/filter/{filterText} Open the 'All Symbols' tab with the symbols filtered to match the text specified in {filterText}.

Symbol Info and Charts

Link Definition
/symbols/{symbol}/info Opens the 'Symbol Info/Symbol Overview' dialog for the symbol the name of which matches {symbol}.
/symbols/{symbol}/chart Opens a new trading chart for the symbol the name of which matches {symbol}. If such a chart is already open, it is made active.

The 'TradeWatch' Display

Link Definition
/positions Opens the 'Positions' tab in the 'TradeWatch' display.
/orders Opens the 'Orders' tab in the 'TradeWatch' display.
/history Opens the 'History' tab in the 'TradeWatch' display.
/deals Opens the 'History' tab in the 'TradeWatch' display. Duplicates /history.
/transactions Opens the 'Transactions' tab in the 'TradeWatch' display.
/news Opens the 'News' tab in the 'TradeWatch' display.
/bonus Opens the 'Bonus' tab in the 'TradeWatch' display.


Link Definition
/accounts/sign-in Opens the 'Switch Account' dialog.
/accounts/sign-up-demo Opens the 'Create Demo Account' dialog.
/accounts/create-demo Opens the 'Create Demo Account' dialog.
/accounts/create-live Opens the 'Create Live Account' dialog.

Create New Order Dialog

Link Definition
/orders/create-market-order Opens the 'Create Market Order' dialog for the symbol the chart for which is currently active.
/orders/create-market-order/{symbol} Opens the 'Create Marker Order' dialog for the symbol the name of which matches {symbol}.
/orders/create-limit-order Opens the 'Create Limit Order' dialog for the symbol the chart for which is currently active.
/orders/create-limit-order/{symbol} Opens the 'Create Limit Order' dialog for the symbol the name of which matches {symbol}.
/orders/create-stop-order Opens the 'Create Stop Order' dialog for the symbol the chart for which is currently active.
/orders/create-stop-order/{symbol} Opens the 'Create Stop Order' dialog for the symbol the name of which matches {symbol}
/orders/create-stop-limit-order Opens the 'Create Stop Limit Order' dialog for the symbol the chart for which is currently active.
/orders/create-stop-limit-order/{symbol} Opens the 'Create Stop Limit Order' dialog for the symbol the name of which matches {symbol}.

Modify Order and Order Info

Link Definition
/orders/modify Opens the 'Modify Orders' dialog for the first order in the pending orders list.
/orders/{id}/modify Opens the 'Modify Orders' dialog for the order whose identifier matches {id}.
/orders/{id}/details Opens the 'Order Info' dialog for the order whose identifier matches {id}.


Link Definition
/positions/modify Opens the 'Modify Position' dialog for the first position in the open positions list.
/positions/{id}/modify Opens the 'Modify Position' dialog for the position whose identifier matches {id}.
/positions/{id}/details Opens the 'Position Info' dialog for the position whose identifier matches {id}.
/positions/{id}/protect Opens the 'Advanced Protection' dialog for the position whose identifier matches {id}.


Link Definition
/funds/withdrawal Opens the 'Withdrawal' dialog.
/funds/deposit Opens the 'Deposit' dialog.
/funds/fundonline Opens the 'Deposit' dialog.
/funds/bankwire Opens the 'Deposit' dialog.


Link Definition
/copy/ Opens the 'Copy' tab.
/copy/favorites Opens the 'Favorites' tab in cTrader Copy.
/copy/strategy/{strategyID} Opens the strategy page for the strategy whose identifier matches {strategyID}.
/copy/account/{accountID} Opens the statistics page for the cTrade account whose number matches {accountID}.
/copy/copyingAccount/{accountID} Opens the 'Investment Stats' page for the sub-account whose number matches {accountID}.


Link Definition
/chat Opens the 'Chat' dialog.
/partner-center Opens the 'Partner Center' dialog.
/whats-new Opens the 'Partner Center' dialog.
/profiles/{sharingCode} Opens the 'Investor Access' page for the account that has generated {sharingCode}.