Learn More About cTrader Invite
cTrader Invite is a powerful application that you can use to invite other traders into cTrader and receive various benefits! Share any cTrader link on any suitable channel, and those who click on it will become your invited traders. Depending on your status with your broker, you may receive additional benefits from inviting new traders. cTrader Invite also contains built-in analytics allowing you to easily track how many traders you have invited previously and plan your next move.
Check our brochure with quick instructions on how to set up cTrader Invite.
While partners can easily access the statistics on invited traders via the 'Invite' application, invited traders should in turn be provided with convenient functionality to view the profile of their partners. The UI of the 'Partner' tab is designed the way to gather all contact information in one place and promote partners’ products.
Click/tap here to learn more about Invite links and managing them.
The 'Partner' tab is visible in branded cTrader applications only to invited traders whose partner has enabled the 'Make My Profile public' and 'Show your profile in the 'Partner' section' settings. Also, the entire 'Invite' application turns into 'Partner' in the cTrader UI in this case.
Partner in One Minute!
- In the cTrader ecosystem, partners initiate user attribution by being registered as such and sharing Invite links.
- A partner continues attributing an invited trader inside cTrader within the boundaries of a guaranteed time period and after it, if certain conditions are met.
- The 'Partner' tab of cTrader Invite displays partners’ contact information, trading statistics, a bio section, and a recommended broker, but the amount of disclosed information can be adjusted by partners.
- The 'Partner' tab lists cards with partners’ products (e.g., Copy strategies) and their performance for traders’ convenient access.
Partner Information¶
The 'Partner' tab provides exhaustive information about partners on condition that the latter have agreed to share it publicly. It includes:
- Partner's profile photo
- Customisable profile wallpaper
- Partner's nickname
- Date of joining cTrader
- Invitation date
- Brief trading stats (i.e., live traded volume in USD and pips won)
- Short bio
- Contact channels, including a phone number, What's App, Telegram, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter.
Partners can configure what information to disclose to invited traders in the 'Partner' tab. The settings of cTrader Invite allow partners to hide their contact information, trading statistics, the 'About You' section, and a recommended broker.
How to Change Your Current Partner¶
In accordance with the cTrader Invite rules, an invited trader’s attribution is mandatory to the current partner within the guaranteed time period. Automatic reattribution can occur after the mandatory period is over if an invited trader clicks on another partner’s Invite link. However, invited traders are only reattributed inside cTrader if they are not using any of the current partner’s products and the partner's profile is not public.
Outside of the guaranteed period, an invited trader can manually change their partner via the 'Partner' tab functionality. By tapping on 'Make Current' on one of the available partner’s cards, invited traders can initiate reattribution themselves.
Trader A has two partners in the 'Partner' tab, Partner A and Partner B. The current partner is Partner B. The reattribution of Trader A will not automatically occur after clicking on Partner C’s Invite link because Trader A is copying Partner B’s strategy and the current partner’s profile remains public (i.e., it is still visible in the 'Partner' tab). Nevertheless, Trader A can manually switch to Partner A in the 'Partner' tab provided that the mandatory attribution period with Partner B is over.
How to Distribute Partner Products¶
The 'Partner' tab also equips partners with a powerful channel to distribute products. Partners’ existing products (e.g., Copy strategies) with their performance stats automatically appear in the 'Partner' tab of invited traders’ apps if the corresponding setting is enabled. In addition to own products, partners can choose to disclose their favourite products to invited traders.
To conclude, the 'Partner' tab delivers the following benefits to partners.
- It serves as a single point of access for invited traders to their partner, which will potentially help them to convert into active traders due to timely support.
- Partners can fully customise what information to disclose to invited traders. Partners can choose to hide their contacts, trading statistics, bio, or entire profiles if they do not want to go public.
- It is convenient to distribute partners’ own and favourite products with validated performance statistics via the 'Partner' tab.
- Invited traders can manually initiate reattribution via the tab functionality, meaning that they can return to a favorite partner after the guaranteed attribution period is over.