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cTrader сharts graphically represent price movements of a symbol over time. The chart is the most basic tool for trading and technical analysis.


In the 'Chart' section of the cTrader settings, you can set for the mouse wheel to zoom or scroll the chart. Consequently, spinning the mouse wheel with the pressed Cmd key will perform the other action.

Check out other default hotkeys for cTrader Mac in a separate guide.

Additionally, you can drag the chart up and down, left and right to view the desired area on the chart.

Opening a Chart

There are several ways to open a new chart in cTrader Mac.

Double-click on a symbol in the Market Watch panel and the corresponding chart will open. You can also right-click on the needed symbol and select 'Open New Chart' in the context menu.

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Alternatively, click on the 'Open New Chart' button in the Chart Toolbar and select a symbol from the list for which you want to open a chart.

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If the 'Single-Chart Mode' is on, you can add new charts by clicking on the 'Open New Chart' button located to the left of all tabs.

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Accessing positions and pending orders in the Trade Watch panel and right-clicking on them, you can open the corresponding charts from the context menu.

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Finally, you can open a new chart or a new detached chart from the menu bar of cTrader Mac in the 'File' menu. The hotkeys for these actions are Cmd+N and Cmd+Shift+N respectively.

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If you want another symbol to be displayed in the active chart tab, left-click on a symbol in the Market Watch panel or left-click on a position or pending order in the Trade Watch panel. Also, you can switch between symbols in the chart tab or via the chart context menu.

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Chart Modes

In cTrader Mac, you can switch between single-chart and multi-chart modes by clicking on the corresponding icons in the Chart Toolbar.

Single-Chart Mode

Multi-Chart Mode

Chart Types

cTrader Mac offers several types of charts for traders' convenience.

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Learn more about chart types in cTrader.

Chart Context Menu

Click anywhere on your active chart to invoke the Chart Context Menu which gives you quick access to many of the cTrader features and UI elements, such as creating new orders, setting price alerts, modifying the chart and managing the chart objects, etc. directly from the chart.

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Learn more about the Chart Context Menu in our cTrader Web guide.

Chart Tab

Regardless of the chart mode you are using, you can detach specific charts opening them in a new window along with the Chart Toolbar. To do so, click on the 'Detach Chart' button located in the top right corner of each chart tab.

In the chart tab, you can modify the symbol displayed on this chart.

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The 'Time Frame' menu for each chart type is available in the chart tab to the right of the symbol selector.

Chart Toolbar

The Chart Toolbar is located above the trading chart(s).

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It contains the following tools:

  • Sidebar and Trade Watch controls
  • New Order
  • Workspaces
  • Multi-Chart Mode
  • Single-Chart Mode
  • Open New Chart
  • Zoom In/Out
  • Chart Types
  • Indicators
  • cBots
  • Object Manager
  • Hide/Show All Drawings
  • Chart Templates

Learn more about the Chart Toolbar in our cTrader Windows guide.

Instrument Toolbar

cTrader Mac offers a comprehensive set of line studies and special objects for advanced technical analysis.

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The Instrument Toolbar contains the following tools:

  • Cursor
  • Crosshair
  • Synchronised Crosshair
  • Market Snapshot
  • Lines
  • Equidistant Price Channel
  • Andrew's Pitchfork
  • Fibonacci Tools
  • Shape Objects
  • Markers
  • Text
  • Colours
  • Chartshot
  • Price Alert

Learn more about the Instrument Toolbar in our cTrader Windows guide.