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cTrader FIX Engine, Rules of Engagement



This specification is intended to serve software developers as an implementation guide for the cTrader FIX Engine Application Programming Interface (API).

FIX Version

cTrader supports FIX version 4.4. For further information about this version, please, refer to these specifications.


Connection Type

A connection to cTrader’s FIX engine is available via the Internet, a VPN tunnel, or a cross-connect to our data center facilities in the UK. Please, contact us for further details.

Sequence Number Reset

All sides of a FIX session should have sequence numbers reset on establishing a FIX session. See the Logon message.


As defined in the FIX protocol, the cTrader FIX server is using two different data levels: System and Application. Note that this is a minimum set of messages required to support the necessary work flows. It is subject to change over time as both business needs and the FIX standard evolve.

cTrader FIX Engine

System Messages

  • Heartbeat (Client ↔ cTrader)
  • Test Request (Client ↔ cTrader)
  • Logon (Client → cTrader)
  • Logout (Client → cTrader)
  • Resend Request (Client ↔ cTrader)
  • Reject (Client ↔ cTrader)
  • Sequence Reset (Client ↔ cTrader)

Application Messages

  • Market Data Request (Client → cTrader)
  • Market Data Snapshot/Full Refresh (Client ← cTrader)
  • Market Data Incremental Refresh (Client ← cTrader)
  • New Order Single (Client → cTrader)
  • Order Status Request (Client → cTrader)
  • Order Mass Status Request (Client → cTrader)
  • Execution Report (Client ← cTrader)
  • Business Message Reject (Client ← cTrader)
  • Request for Positions (Client → cTrader)
  • Position Report (Client ← cTrader)
  • Order Cancel Request (Client → cTrader)
  • Order Cancel Reject (Client ← cTrader)
  • Order Cancel/Replace Request (Client → cTrader)
  • Security List Request (Client → cTrader)
  • Security List (Client ← cTrader)

Standard Header

Each administrative or application message is preceded by a standard header. Headers identify a message type, length, destination, sequence number, origination point, and time.

All messages sent to cTrader should have a standard header with the following fields:

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
8 BeginString Yes FIX.4.4 String Always unencrypted, must be the first field in a message.
9 BodyLength Yes Any valid value Integer Message body length. Always unencrypted, must be the second field in a message.
35 MsgType Yes A String A message type. Always unencrypted, must be the third field in a message.
49 SenderCompID Yes Any valid value String An ID of the trading party in the following format: <Environment>.<BrokerUID>.<Trader Login>, where Environment is a determination of the server, like demo or live; BrokerUID is provided by cTrader, and Trader Login is a numeric identifier of the trader account.
56 TargetCompID Yes CSERVER String A message target. The valid value is CSERVER.
57 TargetSubID Yes QUOTE or TRADE String An additional session qualifier. Possible values are QUOTE and TRADE.
50 SenderSubID No Any valid value String The assigned value used to identify a specific message originator. Must be set to QUOTE if TargetSubID=QUOTE.
34 MsgSeqNum Yes 1 Integer A sequence number of the message.
52 SendingTime Yes 20131129-15:40:08.155 UTCTimestamp Time of the message transmission always expressed in UTC (Universal Time Coordinated, also known as GMT).

Standard Trailer

Each message, administrative or application, is terminated by a standard trailer. The trailer is used to segregate messages and contains a three-digit representation of the CheckSum (tag=10) value.

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
10 CheckSum Yes 054 String A three-byte simple checksum. Always the last field in a message (i.e., serves), with the trailing <SOH> as the end-of-message delimiter. It is defined as three characters (always unencrypted).

Session Messages

Heartbeat (MsgType(35)=0)

Heartbeat messages are sent by both cTrader and the client application to confirm a live connection.

The provider’s client application transmits a recurring heartbeat at the interval, which is defined by the HeartBtInt (tag=108) field in a Logon message, or as a response to a Test Request message.

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
112 TestReqID No Any valid value String If a heartbeat is a result of the Test Request message, TestReqID is required.
Standard Trailer Yes

Test Request (MsgType(35)=1)

It forces a heartbeat from the receiver of a request. A response is sent from the receiving system as a Heartbeat message containing TestReqID.

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
112 TestReqID Yes Any valid value String A heartbeat message ID. TestReqID should be incremental.
Standard Trailer Yes

Logon (Bidirectional) (MsgType(35)=A)

A Logon message is sent from the client side application to begin a cTrader FIX session, and a response is sent by cTrader to the client side application. Once the logon is complete, quote and trade flows can proceed for the lifecycle of the session.

If an invalid Logon message is received by cTrader (with invalid fields), cTrader sends a Logout message in response.

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
98 EncryptMethod Yes 0 Integer Defines a message encryption scheme. Currently, only transport-level security is supported. The valid value is 0 = NONE_OTHER (encryption is not used).
108 HeartBtInt Yes Any valid value Integer A heartbeat interval in seconds. The value is set in the file (client side) as SERVER.POLLING.INTERVAL The default interval value is 30 seconds. If HeartBtInt is set to 0, no heartbeat message is required.
141 ResetSeqNumFlag No Y Boolean All sides of the FIX session should have the sequence numbers reset. The valid value is Y (reset).
553 Username No Any valid value String A numeric User ID. The user is linked to the SenderCompID value (the user’s organization, tag=49).
554 Password No Any valid value String A user password.
Standard Trailer Yes

Please, note that the field Username (tag=553) must contain a numeric trader login value, whilst SenderCompID (tag=49) must contain an environment, BrokerUID, and a trader login delimited by a dot (e.g., live.theBroker.12345).

See examples of Logon messages below.



Response (Success)


Response (Failed)

8=FIX.4.4|9=109|35=5|34=1|49=CSERVER|50=TRADE|52=20170117-08:03:04.509|56=live.theBroker.12345|58=InternalError: RET_INVALID_DATA|10=033|

Logout (MsgType(35)=5)

A Logout message is sent from the client application to request a session end with cTrader and as a response by cTrader. A session logout occurs in response to a Market Participant sending a Logout message to cTrader. Before terminating the session, cTrader will cancel all prices that are still actively streaming out to the requesting party. If an invalid logon message is received by cTrader (with invalid fields), cTrader sends a Logout message in response with error details in the Text (tag=58) field.

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
58 Text No Any valid value String Logon rejection details. Used only for cTrader-to-client messages as an invalid Logon message response.
Standard Trailer Yes

See examples of Logout messages below.





Resend Request (MsgType(35)=2)

An Inbound/Outbound message is used to request resending a message (or messages), typically when a gap is detected in the sequence numbering.

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
7 BeginSeqNo Yes Any valid value Integer A message sequence number of the first record in the range to be resent.
16 EndSeqNo Yes Any valid value Integer A message sequence number of the last record in the range to be resent.
Standard Trailer Yes

Reject (Bidirectional) (MsgType(35)=3)

Sent when the received message cannot be processed due to a session-level rule violation. Refused messages must be recorded and an increment must be applied to the incoming sequence number.

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
45 RefSeqNum Yes Any valid value SeqNum A sequence number of the referenced message.
58 Text No Any valid value String A free-format text string.
354 EncodedTextLen No Any valid value Length Length of the EncodedText (non-ASCII characters) field in bytes.
355 EncodedText No Any valid value Data A representation of the Text (tag=58) field, encoded using the format specified in the MessageEncoding (tag=347) field (from the standard header). If the ASCII representation is used, it should also be specified in the Text (tag=58) field.
371 RefTagID No Any valid value Integer A tag number of the FIX field that initiated the message refusal.
372 RefMsgType No Any valid value String MsgType (tag=35) of the referenced FIX message.
373 SessionRejectReason No Any valid value Integer Coded causes of the rejection. The valid values are:
0 = Invalid tag number;
1 = Missing required tag;
2 = No tag defined for this message type;
3 = Undefined Tag;
4 = No value for specified tag;
5 = Value for this tag is out of range;
6 = Incorrect data format for value;
7 = Decryption problem;
8 = Signature error;
9 = CompID error;
10 = SendingTime accuracy error;
11 = MsgType invalid;
12 = XML Validation error;
13 = Tag is being repeated;
14 = Specified tag is not in correct order;
15 = Repeating group fields not in correct order;
16 = Incorrect NumInGroup count for repeating group;
17 = Field delimiter (SOH character) included in non data value.
Standard Trailer Yes

Sequence Reset (MsgType(35)=4)

An Inbound/Outbound message should not be used at an application level. A Sequence Reset message can only increase a sequence number.

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
123 GapFillFlag No Yes or No String Indicates that a Sequence Reset message is replacing administrative or application messages which will not be resent.
36 NewSeqNo Yes 1 Integer A new sequence number.
Standard Trailer Yes

Application Messages

Market Data Request (MsgType(35)=V)

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
262 MDReqID Yes Any valid value String A unique quote request ID. A new ID for a new subscription, the same ID as used before for a subscription removal.
263 SubscriptionRequestType Yes 1 or 2 Char 1 = Snapshot plus updates (subscribe);
2 = Disable previous snapshot plus update request (unsubscribe).
264 MarketDepth Yes 0 or 1 Integer A full book will be provided.
0 = Depth subscription;
1 = Spot subscription.
265 MDUpdateType Yes Any valid value Integer Only the Incremental Refresh is supported.
267 NoMDEntryTypes Yes 2 Integer Always set to 2 (both bid and ask will be sent).
269 MDEntryType Yes 0 or 1 Char This repeating group contains a list of all types of the Market Data Entries the requester wants to receive.
0 = Bid;
1 = Offer.
146 NoRelatedSym Yes Any valid value Integer The number of symbols requested.
55 Symbol Yes Any valid value Long Instrument identificators are provided by Spotware.
Standard Trailer Yes

See examples of Market Data Request messages below.

For Spots





For Depths





Market Data Snapshot/Full Refresh (MsgType(35)=W)

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
262 MDReqID No Any valid value String An ID of the market data request sent previously.
55 Symbol Yes Any valid value Long Instrument identificators are provided by Spotware.
268 NoMDEntries Yes Any valid value Integer The number of entries following.
269 MDEntryType No 0 or 1 Char The valid values are:
0 = Bid;
1 = Offer.
Required only when NoMDEntries (tag=268) > 0.
299 QuoteEntryID No Any valid value String A unique identification of the quote as a part of QuoteSet.
270 MDEntryPx No 1.2345 Price A price of the Market Data Entry. Required only when NoMDEntries (tag=268) > 0.
271 MDEntrySize No 500000 Volume Volume of the Market Data Entry. Required only when NoMDEntries (tag=268) > 0.
278 MDEntryID No Any valid value String A unique Market Data Entry identifier.
Standard Trailer Yes

Market Data Incremental Refresh (MsgType(35)=X)

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
262 MDReqID No Any valid value String An ID of the market data request sent previously.
268 NoMDEntries Yes Any valid value Integer The number of entries following. This repeating group contains a list of all types of Market Data Entries the requester wants to receive.
279 MDUpdateAction Yes 0 or 2 Char A type of the Market Data update action. The valid values are:
0 = New;
2 = Delete.
269 MDEntryType No 0 or 1 Char The valid values are:
0 = Bid;
1 = Offer.
278 MDEntryID Yes Any valid value String An ID of the Market Data Entry.
55 Symbol Yes Any valid value Long Instrument identificators are provided by Spotware.
270 MDEntryPx No 1.2345 Price Required only when MDUpdateAction (tag=279) = 0.
271 MDEntrySize No 10000 Double Required only when MDUpdateAction (tag=279) = 0.
Standard Trailer Yes

New Order Single (MsgType(35)=D)

A New Order Single message has the following format.

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
11 ClOrdID Yes Any valid value String A unique identifier of the order allocated by the client.
55 Symbol Yes Any valid value Long Instrument identificators are provided by Spotware.
54 Side Yes 1 or 2 Integer 1 = Buy;
2 = Sell.
60 TransactTime Yes Any valid value Timestamp Request time generated by the client.
38 OrderQty Yes Any valid value Qty The number of shares ordered. This represents the number of shares for equities or based on normal convention the number of contracts for options, futures, convertible bonds, etc. A maximum precision is 0.01. Prior to FIX 4.2, the type of this field was 'Integer'.
40 OrdType Yes 1, 2 or 3 Char 1 = Market, the order will be processed by the Immediate or Cancel (IOC) scheme (TimeInForce, tag=59);
2 = Limit, the order will be processed by the Good Till Cancel (GTC) scheme (TimeInForce, tag=59);
3 = Stop, the order will be processed by the Good Till Cancel (GTC) scheme (TimeInForce, tag=59).
44 Price No Any valid value Price The worst client price that the client will accept. Required only when OrdType (tag=40) = 2, in which case the order will not fill unless this price can be met.
99 StopPx No Any valid value Price A price that triggers the stop order. Required only when OrdType (tag=40) = 3, in which case the order will not fill unless this price can be met.
59 TimeInForce No 1, 3 or 6 String Deprecated, this value will be ignored. TimeInForce will be detected automatically depending on OrdType (tag=40) and ExpireTime (tag=126):
1 = Good Till Cancel (GTC), will be used only for limit and stop orders (OrdType, tag=40) only if ExpireTime (tag=126) is not defined;
3 = Immediate or Cancel (IOC), will be used only for market orders (OrdType, tag=40);
6 = Good Till Date (GTD), will be used only for limit and stop orders (OrdType, tag=40) only if ExpireTime (tag=126) is defined.
126 ExpireTime No 20140215-07:24:55 Timestamp Expire time in the 'YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS' format. If assigned, the order will be processed by the GTD scheme (TimeInForce: GTD).
721 PosMaintRptID No Any valid value String A position ID where this order should be placed. If not set, a new position will be created and its ID will be returned in the Execution Report message. It can be specified only for hedged accounts.
494 Designation No Any valid value String A custom order label.
Standard Trailer Yes

See examples of New Order Single messages below.

Market Order to New Position





Market Order to Existing Position





Limit Order to Existing Position





Stop Order to New Position





Order Status Request (MsgType(35)=H)

An Order Status Request message is used by an institution to generate an order status message back from the trader. For a correct interaction, it is very important to have unique client order identifiers (ClOrdID) for all orders.

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
11 ClOrdID Yes Any valid value String A unique identifier of the order allocated by the client.
54 Side No 1 or 2 Integer 1 = Buy;
2 = Sell.
Standard Trailer Yes

See examples of Oder Status Request messages below.





Order Mass Status Request (MsgType(35)=AF)

An Order Mass Status Request message requests the status for orders matching the criteria specified within the request. The answer will be returned as a number of Execution Report messages (one for each order), or as a Business Message Reject message if no orders are found.

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
584 MassStatusReqID Yes Any valid value String A unique ID of the Mass Status Request as assigned by the client.
585 MassStatusReqType Yes Any valid value Integer 7 = Status for all orders.
Only the value 7 is currently supported.
225 IssueDate No Any valid value String If set, the response will contain only orders created before this date.
Standard Trailer Yes

See examples of Oder Mass Status Request messages below.





Execution Report (MsgType(35)=8)

An Execution Report message for an accepted order has the following format.

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
37 OrderID Yes Any valid value String A cTrader order ID.
11 ClOrdID No Any valid value String A unique identifier of the order allocated by the client.
911 TotNumReports No Any valid value Integer The total number of reports returned in response to the Order Mass Status Request message.
150 ExecType Yes Any valid value Char 0 = New;
4 = Canceled;
5 = Replace;
8 = Rejected;
C = Expired;
F = Trade;
I = Order Status.
39 OrdStatus Yes Any valid value Char 0 = New;
1 = Partially filled;
2 = Filled;
8 = Rejected;
4 = Canceled (when the order is partially filled, Canceled is returned signifying (tag=151), LeavesQty is canceled and will not be subsequently filled);
C = Expired.
55 Symbol No Any valid value Long Instrument identificators are provided by Spotware.
54 Side No 1 or 2 Integer 1 = Buy;
2 = Sell.
60 TransactTime No Any valid value Timestamp Execution time of a transaction represented by the Execution Report message (in UTC).
6 AvgPx No Any valid value Integer A price at which the deal was filled. For an IOC or GTD order, this is the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) of the filled order.
38 OrderQty No Any valid value Qty This represents the number of shares for equities or based on normal convention the number of contracts for options, futures, convertible bonds, etc. Prior to FIX 4.2, the type of this field was 'Integer'.
151 LeavesQty No Any valid value Qty The number of orders still to be filled. Possible values are between 0 (fully filled) and OrderQty (partially filled).
14 CumQty No Any valid value Qty The total number of orders which have been filled.
32 LastQty No Any valid value Qty The bought/sold quantity of orders which have been filled on this (last) fill.
40 OrdType No 1 or 2 Char 1 = Market;
2 = Limit.
44 Price No Any valid value Price If supplied in a New Order Single message, it is echoed back in this Execution Report message.
99 StopPx No Any valid value Price If supplied in a New Order Single message, it is echoed back in this Execution Report message.
59 TimeInForce No 1, 3 or 6 String 1 = Good Till Cancel (GTC);
3 = Immediate or Cancel (IOC);
6 = Good Till Date (GTD).
126 ExpireTime No 20140215-07:24:55 Timestamp If supplied in a New Order Single message, it is echoed back in this Execution Report message.
58 Text No Any valid value String Where possible, a message will explain the Execution Report.
103 OrdRejReason No 0 Integer 0 = OrdRejReason.BROKER_EXCHANGE_OPTION
721 PosMaintRptID No Any valid value String A position ID.
494 Designation No Any valid value String A custom order label of the client.
584 MassStatusReqID No Any valid value String A unique ID of the mass status request as assigned by the client.
1000 AbsoluteTP No Any valid value Price An absolute price at which the take profit will be triggered.
1001 RelativeTP No Any valid value Price A distance in pips from the entry price at which the take profit will be triggered.
1002 AbsoluteSL No Any valid value Price An absolute price at which the stop loss will be triggered.
1003 RelativeSL No Any valid value Price A distance in pips from the entry price at which the stop loss will be triggered.
1004 TrailingSL No N or Y Boolean Indicates if the stop loss is trailing.
N = Stop loss is not trailing;
Y = Stop loss is trailing.
1005 TriggerMethodSL No Any valid value Integer An indicated trigger method of the stop loss.
1 = Stop loss will be triggered by the trade side;
2 = Stop loss will be triggered by the opposite side (ask for buy positions and by bid for sell positions);
3 = Stop loss will be triggered after two consecutive ticks according to the trade side;
4 = Stop loss will be triggered after two consecutive ticks according to the opposite side (the second ask tick for buy positions and the second bid tick for sell positions).
1006 GuaranteedSL No N or Y Boolean Indicates if the stop loss is guaranteed.
N = Stop loss is not guaranteed;
Y = Stop loss is guaranteed.
Standard Trailer Yes

See a New Order Single example at the end of the guide.

Business Message Reject (MsgType(35)=j)

This message type is sent when the system is unable to process a subscription request or an order cannot be executed.

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
45 RefSeqNum No Any valid value Integer MsgSeqNum (tag=34) of the rejected message.
372 RefMsgType No Any valid value String MsgType (tag=35) of the FIX message being referenced.
379 BusinessRejectRefID No Any valid value String Value of the business-level ID field in the message being referenced. Required unless the corresponding ID field was not specified.
380 BusinessRejectReason Yes 0 Integer A code to identify the reason for a Business Message Reject message.
0 = Other.
58 Text No Any valid value String Where possible, a message to explain the reason for rejection.
Standard Trailer Yes

See an example of a Business Message Reject message below.

8=FIX.4.4|9=149|35=j|34=2|49=CSERVER|52=20170105-06:36:00.912|56=live.theBroker.12345|57=any_string|58=Message to explain reason for rejection|379=u4Jr7Rr5t2VS7HSP|380=0|10=123|

Request for Positions (MsgType(35)=AN)

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
710 PosReqID Yes Any valid value String A unique request ID (set by the client).
721 PosMaintRptID No Any valid value String A position ID to request. If not set, all open positions will be returned.
Standard Trailer Yes

See examples of Request for Positions messages below.





Position Report (MsgType(35)=AP)

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
710 PosReqID Yes Any valid value String An ID of the Request for Positions message.
721 PosMaintRptID No Any valid value String A position ID, which is not set if PosReqResult (tag=728) is not VALID_REQUEST.
727 TotalNumPosReports Yes Any valid value String The total count of Position Reports in a sequence when PosReqResult (tag=728) is VALID_REQUEST, otherwise = 0.
728 PosReqResult Yes 0 or 2 String 0 = Valid request;
2 = No open positions that match the criteria are found.
55 Symbol No Any valid value String A symbol for which the current Position Report is prepared. It is not set if PosReqResult (tag=728) is not VALID_REQUEST.
702 NoPositions No 1 String 1 when PosReqResult (tag=728) is VALID_REQUEST, otherwise not set.
704 LongQty No Any valid value String Open volume of the position in case of the buy trade side, equal to 0 in case of the sell trade side. Not set if PosReqResult (tag=728) is not VALID_REQUEST.
705 ShortQty No Any valid value String Open volume of the position in case of the sell trade side, equal to 0 in case of the buy trade side. Not set if PosReqResult (tag=728) is not VALID_REQUEST.
730 SettlPrice No Any valid value String An average price of the opened volume in the current Position Report.
1000 AbsoluteTP No Any valid value Price An absolute price at which the take profit will be triggered.
1002 AbsoluteSL No Any valid value Price An absolute price at which the stop loss will be triggered.
1004 TrailingSL No Any valid value Boolean Indicates if the stop loss is trailing.
N = Stop loss is not trailing;
Y = Stop loss is trailing.
1005 TriggerMethodSL No Any valid value Integer An indicated trigger method of the stop loss.
1 = Stop loss will be triggered by the trade side;
2 = Stop loss will be triggered by the opposite side (ask for buy positions and bid for sell positions);
3 = Stop loss will be triggered after two consecutive ticks according to the trade side;
4 = Stop loss will be triggered after two consecutive ticks according to the opposite side (second ask tick for buy positions and second bid tick for sell positions).
1006 GuaranteedSL No Any valid value Boolean Indicates if the stop loss is guaranteed.
N = Stop loss is not guaranteed;
Y = Stop loss is guaranteed.
Standard Trailer Yes

Order Cancel Request (MsgType(35)=F)

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
41 OrigClOrdID Yes Any valid value String A unique identifier of the order, which is going to be canceled, allocated by the client.
37 OrderID No Any valid value String A unique ID of the order returned by cServer.
11 ClOrdID Yes Any valid value String A unique ID of the cancel request allocated by the client.
Standard Trailer Yes

See examples of Order Cancel Request messages below.



Response (Success)


Response (Failed)

8=FIX.4.4|9=174|35=j|34=3|49=CSERVER|50=TRADE|52=20170721-13:41:21.856|56=live.theBroker.12345|57=Trade|58=ORDER_NOT_FOUND:Order with clientOrderId=n9Tm8x1AavO5 not found.|379=jR8dBPcZEQa9|380=0|10=075|

Order Cancel Reject (MsgType(35)=9)

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
37 OrderID Yes Any valid value String A unique identifier of the order which the system could not cancel.
11 ClOrdID Yes Any valid value String A unique identifier of the Order Cancel Request.
41 OrigClOrdID No Any valid value String A unique identifier of the order, which was attempted to be canceled, allocated by the client.
39 OrdStatus Yes Any valid value Char 0 = New;
1 = Partially filled;
2 = Filled;
8 = Rejected;
4 = Cancelled (when the order is partially filled Canceled is returned signifying (tag=151), LeavesQty is canceled and will not be subsequently filled);
C = Expired.
434 CxlRejResponseTo Yes 1 or 2 Char 1 = Reject cancel order;
2 = Reject amend order from another terminal.
58 Text No Any valid value String An order is under execution.
Standard Trailer Yes

See an example of an Order Cancel Reject message below.


8=FIX.4.4|9=156|35=9|34=3|49=CSERVER|50=TRADE|52=20181024-12:35:02.896|56=live.theBroker.12345|57=Trade|11=gBljx7YOg5jY|37=629|39=0|41=FdXLfS0tTyUL|58=Order is under execution|434=1|10=109|

Order Cancel/Replace Request (MsgType(35)=G)

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
41 OrigClOrdID Yes Any valid value String A unique identifier of the order, which is going to be amended, allocated by the client.
37 OrderID No Any valid value String A unique ID of the original order, which is going to be amended, allocated by the server. A preferable method to use.
11 ClOrdID Yes Any valid value String A unique ID of the amend request allocated by the client.
38 OrderQty Yes Any valid value Qty An existing or newly specified quantity for replacing the old value.
44 Price No Any valid value Price An existing or newly specified limit price for replacing the old value. Valid only for limit orders.
99 StopPx No Any valid value Price An existing or newly specified stop price for replacing the old value. Valid only for stop orders.
126 ExpireTime No 20140215-07:24:55 Timestamp Existing or newly specified expiration time. Valid only for pending orders.
Standard Trailer Yes

See examples of Order Cancel/Replace Request messages below.



Response (Success)


Response (Failed)

8=FIX.4.4|9=171|35=j|34=3|49=CSERVER|50=TRADE|52=20170721-13:42:18.784|56=live.theBroker.12345|57=Trade|58=ORDER_NOT_FOUND:Order with orderId:4429421711699105367 isn't found|379=NXek3EzJvMme|380=0|10=245|

Market Data Request Reject (MsgType(35)=Y)

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
262 MDReqID Yes Any valid value String Must refer to MDReqID (tag=262) of the request.
281 MDReqRejReason No Any valid value Integer 0 = Unknown symbol;
4 = Unsupported SubscriptionRequestType (tag=263);
5 = Unsupported MarketDepth (tag=264).
Standard Trailer Yes

See examples of Market Data Request Reject messages below.




8=FIX.4.4|9=164|35=Y|34=2|49=CSERVER|50=QUOTE|52=20170920-09:52:13.036|56=live.theBroker.12345|57=Quote|58=INVALID_REQUEST: Expected numeric symbolId, but got CS8260|262=CS8260:sXlXex|281=0|10=236|




8=FIX.4.4|9=157|35=Y|34=6|49=CSERVER|50=QUOTE|52=20170920-09:52:13.201|56=live.theBroker.12345|57=Quote|58=INVALID_REQUEST: MarketDepth should be either 0 or 1|262=EwOhiWvMdCpc|281=5|10=088|

Security List Request (MsgType(35)=x)

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
320 SecurityReqID Yes Any valid value String A unique ID of the Security Definition Request.
559 SecurityListRequestType Yes 0 Integer The type of a Security List Request being made. Supported only 0 = Symbol (tag=55).
55 Symbol No Any valid value Integer An ID for resolving the symbol name.
Standard Trailer Yes

See examples of Security List Request messages below.





Security List (MsgType(35)=y)

Tag Field Name Req’d Value FIX Format Comments
Standard Header Yes
320 SecurityReqID Yes Any valid value String A unique ID of the Security Definition Request.
322 SecurityResponseID Yes Any valid value String A unique ID of the Security List response.
560 SecurityRequestResult Yes 0 Integer Results returned to the Security Request message. The valid values are:
0 = Valid request;
1 = Invalid or unsupported request;
2 = No instruments that match the selection criteria are found;
3 = Not authorized to retrieve instrument data;
4 = Instrument data temporarily unavailable;
5 = Request for instrument data not supported.
146 NoRelatedSym No Any valid value Integer Specifies the number of repeating symbols (instruments).
55 Symbol No Any valid value Integer Instrument identificators are provided by Spotware.
1007 SymbolName No Any valid value String A symbol name.
1008 SymbolDigits No Any valid value Integer Symbol digits. Possible values from 0 to 5.
Standard Trailer Yes

See an example of a Security List message below.

