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Common Messages


Error response that is sent from Open API proxy when error occurs.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoPayloadType Optional
errorCode string Required Contains name of ProtoErrorCode or other custom ErrorCodes (e.g. ProtoCHErrorCode).
description string Optional Error description.
maintenanceEndTimestamp uint64 Optional The Unix time in milliseconds of the end of the maintenance.


Event that is sent from Open API proxy and can be used as criteria that connection is healthy when no other messages are sent by cTrader platform.

Open API client can send this message when he needs to keep the connection open for a period without other messages longer than 30 seconds.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoPayloadType Optional


Base message that is used for all messages that are sent to/from Open API proxy of cTrader platform.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType uint32 Required Contains id of ProtoPayloadType or other custom PayloadTypes (e.g. ProtoOAPayloadType).
payload bytes Optional Serialized protobuf message that corresponds to payloadType.
clientMsgId string Optional Request message id, assigned by the client that will be returned in the response.