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Request for authorizing of the trading account session.

Requires established authorized connection with the client application using ProtoOAApplicationAuthReq.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required The unique identifier of the trader's account in cTrader platform.
accessToken string Required The Access Token issued for providing access to the Trader's Account.


Response to the ProtoOAApplicationAuthRes request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required The unique identifier of the trader's account in cTrader platform.


Event that is sent when the established session for an account is dropped on the server side.

A new session must be authorized for the account.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required The unique identifier of the trader's account in cTrader platform.


Request for logout of trading account session.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required The unique identifier of the trader's account in cTrader platform.


Response to the ProtoOATraderLogoutReq request.

Actual logout of trading account will be completed on ProtoOAAccountDisconnectEvent.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required The unique identifier of the trader's account in cTrader platform.


Event that is sent when a session to a specific trader's account is terminated by the server but the existing connections with the other trader's accounts are maintained.

Reasons to trigger: account was deleted, cTID was deleted, token was refreshed, token was revoked.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountIds RepeatedField<int64> Repeated The unique identifier of the trader's account in cTrader platform.
reason string Optional The disconnection reason explained. For example: Access Token is expired or recalled.


Request for amending the existing pending order.

Allowed only if the Access Token has "trade" permissions for the trading account.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
orderId int64 Required The unique ID of the order.
volume int64 Optional Volume, represented in 0.01 of a unit (e.g. 1000 in protocol means 10.00 units).
limitPrice double Optional The Limit Price, can be specified for the LIMIT order only.
stopPrice double Optional The Stop Price, can be specified for the STOP and the STOP_LIMIT orders.
expirationTimestamp int64 Optional The Unix timestamp in milliseconds of Order expiration. Should be set for the Good Till Date orders.
stopLoss double Optional The absolute Stop Loss price (e.g. 1.23456). Not supported for the MARKER orders.
takeProfit double Optional The absolute Take Profit price (e.g. 1.23456). Not supported for the MARKER orders.
slippageInPoints int32 Optional Slippage distance for the MARKET_RANGE and the STOP_LIMIT orders.
relativeStopLoss int64 Optional The relative Stop Loss can be specified instead of the absolute one. Specified in 1/100000 of a unit of price. (e.g. 123000 in protocol means 1.23, 53423782 means 534.23782) For BUY stopLoss = entryPrice - relativeStopLoss, for SELL stopLoss = entryPrice + relativeStopLoss.
relativeTakeProfit int64 Optional The relative Take Profit can be specified instead of the absolute one. Specified in 1/100000 of a unit of price. (e.g. 123000 in protocol means 1.23, 53423782 means 534.23782) For BUY takeProfit = entryPrice + relativeTakeProfit, for SELL takeProfit = entryPrice - relativeTakeProfit.
guaranteedStopLoss bool Optional If TRUE then the Stop Loss is guaranteed. Available for the French Risk or the Guaranteed Stop Loss Accounts.
trailingStopLoss bool Optional If TRUE then the Trailing Stop Loss is applied.
stopTriggerMethod ProtoOAOrderTriggerMethod Optional Trigger method for the STOP or the STOP_LIMIT pending order.


Request for amending StopLoss and TakeProfit of existing position.

Allowed only if the accessToken has "trade" permissions for the trading account.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
positionId int64 Required The unique ID of the position to amend.
stopLoss double Optional Absolute Stop Loss price (1.23456 for example).
takeProfit double Optional Absolute Take Profit price (1.26543 for example).
guaranteedStopLoss bool Optional If TRUE then the Stop Loss is guaranteed. Available for the French Risk or the Guaranteed Stop Loss Accounts.
trailingStopLoss bool Optional If TRUE then the Trailing Stop Loss is applied.
stopLossTriggerMethod ProtoOAOrderTriggerMethod Optional The Stop trigger method for the Stop Loss/Take Profit order.


Request for the authorizing an application to work with the cTrader platform Proxies.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
clientId string Required The unique Client ID provided during the registration.
clientSecret string Required The unique Client Secret provided during the registration.


Response to the ProtoOAApplicationAuthReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional


Request for a list of asset classes available for the trader's account.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.


Response to the ProtoOAAssetListReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
assetClass RepeatedField<ProtoOAAssetClass> Repeated List of the asset classes.


Request for the list of assets available for a trader's account.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.


Response to the ProtoOAAssetListReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
asset RepeatedField<ProtoOAAsset> Repeated The list of assets.


Request for cancelling existing pending order.

Allowed only if the accessToken has "trade" permissions for the trading account.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
orderId int64 Required The unique ID of the order.


Request for getting Trader's historical data of deposits and withdrawals.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
fromTimestamp int64 Required The Unix time from which the search starts >=0 (1st Jan 1970). Validation: toTimestamp - fromTimestamp <= 604800000 (1 week).
toTimestamp int64 Required The Unix time where to stop searching <= 2147483646000 (19th Jan 2038).


Response to the ProtoOACashFlowHistoryListReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
depositWithdraw RepeatedField<ProtoOADepositWithdraw> Repeated The list of deposit and withdrawal operations.


Event that is sent when the connection with the client application is cancelled by the server.

All the sessions for the traders' accounts will be terminated.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
reason string Optional The disconnection reason explained. For example: The application access was blocked by cTrader Administrator.


Request for closing or partially closing of an existing position.

Allowed only if the accessToken has "trade" permissions for the trading account.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
positionId int64 Required The unique ID of the position to close.
volume int64 Required Volume to close, represented in 0.01 of a unit (e.g. 1000 in protocol means 10.00 units).


Request for retrieving the deals related to a position.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
positionId int64 Required The unique ID of the position.
fromTimestamp int64 Optional The Unix time in milliseconds of starting the search. Must be bigger or equal to zero (1st Jan 1970).
toTimestamp int64 Optional The Unix time in milliseconds of finishing the search. <= 2147483646000 (19th Jan 2038).


Response to the ProtoOADealListByPositionIdReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
deal RepeatedField<ProtoOADeal> Repeated The list of deals.
hasMore bool Required If TRUE then the number of records by filter is larger than chunkSize, the response contains the number of records that is equal to chunkSize.


Request for getting Trader's deals historical data (execution details).

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
fromTimestamp int64 Optional The Unix time from which the search starts >=0 (1st Jan 1970).
toTimestamp int64 Optional The Unix time where to stop searching <= 2147483646000 (19th Jan 2038).
maxRows int32 Optional The maximum number of the deals to return.


The response to the ProtoOADealListRes request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
deal RepeatedField<ProtoOADeal> Repeated The list of the deals.
hasMore bool Required If TRUE then the number of records by filter is larger than chunkSize, the response contains the number of records that is equal to chunkSize.


Request for getting sets of Deals that were offset by a specific Deal and that are offsetting the Deal.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
dealId int64 Required The unique ID of the Deal.


Response for ProtoOADealOffsetListReq.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
offsetBy RepeatedField<ProtoOADealOffset> Repeated Deals which closed the specified deal.
offsetting RepeatedField<ProtoOADealOffset> Repeated Deals which were closed by the specified deal.


Event that is sent when the structure of depth of market is changed.

Requires subscription on the depth of markets for the symbol, see ProtoOASubscribeDepthQuotesReq.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
symbolId uint64 Required Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform.
newQuotes RepeatedField<ProtoOADepthQuote> Repeated The list of changes in the depth of market quotes.
deletedQuotes RepeatedField<uint64> Repeated The list of quotes to delete.


Generic response when an ERROR occurred.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Optional The unique identifier of the trader's account in cTrader platform.
errorCode string Required The name of the ProtoErrorCode or the other custom ErrorCodes (e.g. ProtoCHErrorCode).
description string Optional The error description.
maintenanceEndTimestamp int64 Optional The Unix time in seconds when the current maintenance session will be ended.
retryAfter uint64 Optional When you hit rate limit with errorCode=BLOCKED_PAYLOAD_TYPE, this field will contain amount of seconds until related payload type will be unlocked.


Event that is sent following the successful order acceptance or execution by the server.

Acts as response to the ProtoOANewOrderReq, ProtoOACancelOrderReq, ProtoOAAmendOrderReq, ProtoOAAmendPositionSLTPReq, ProtoOAClosePositionReq requests.

Also, the event is sent when a Deposit/Withdrawal took place.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
executionType ProtoOAExecutionType Required Type of the order operation. For example: ACCEPTED, FILLED, etc.
position ProtoOAPosition Optional Reference to the position linked with the execution
order ProtoOAOrder Optional Reference to the initial order.
deal ProtoOADeal Optional Reference to the deal (execution).
bonusDepositWithdraw ProtoOABonusDepositWithdraw Optional Reference to the Bonus Deposit or Withdrawal operation.
depositWithdraw ProtoOADepositWithdraw Optional Reference to the Deposit or Withdrawal operation.
errorCode string Optional The name of the ProtoErrorCode or the other custom ErrorCodes (e.g. ProtoCHErrorCode).
isServerEvent bool Optional If TRUE then the event generated by the server logic instead of the trader's request. (e.g. stop-out).


Request for getting the margin estimate according to leverage profiles.

Can be used before sending a new order request.

This doesn't consider ACCORDING_TO_GSL margin calculation type, as this calculation is trivial: usedMargin = (VWAP price of the position - GSL price) * volume * Quote2Deposit.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
symbolId int64 Required Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform.
volume RepeatedField<int64> Repeated Volume represented in 0.01 of a unit (e.g. 1000 in protocol means 10.00 units).


The response to the ProtoOAExpectedMarginReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
margin RepeatedField<ProtoOAExpectedMargin> Repeated The buy and sell margin estimate.
moneyDigits uint32 Optional Specifies the exponent of the monetary values. E.g. moneyDigits = 8 must be interpret as business value multiplied by 10^8, then real balance would be 10053099944 / 10^8 = 100.53099944. Affects margin.buyMargin, margin.sellMargin.


Request for getting the list of granted trader's account for the access token.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
accessToken string Required The Access Token issued for providing access to the Trader's Account.


Response to the ProtoOAGetAccountListByAccessTokenReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
accessToken string Required The Access Token issued for providing access to the Trader's Account.
permissionScope ProtoOAClientPermissionScope Optional SCOPE_VIEW, SCOPE_TRADE.
ctidTraderAccount RepeatedField<ProtoOACtidTraderAccount> Repeated The list of the accounts.


Request for getting details of Trader's profile.

Limited due to GDRP requirements.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
accessToken string Required The Access Token issued for providing access to the Trader's Account.


Response to the ProtoOAGetCtidProfileByTokenReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
profile ProtoOACtidProfile Required Trader's profile.


Request for getting a dynamic leverage entity referenced in ProtoOASymbol.


Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
leverageId int64 Required


Response to the ProtoOAGetDynamicLeverageByIDReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
leverage ProtoOADynamicLeverage Required


Request for getting trader's positions' unrealized PnLs.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required The unique identifier of the trader's account in cTrader platform.


Response to ProtoOAGetPositionUnrealizedPnLReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required The unique identifier of the trader's account in cTrader platform.
positionUnrealizedPnL RepeatedField<ProtoOAPositionUnrealizedPnL> Repeated Information about trader's positions' unrealized PnLs.
moneyDigits uint32 Required Specifies the exponent of various monetary values. E.g., moneyDigits = 8 should be interpreted as the value multiplied by 10^8 with the 'real' value equal to 10053099944 / 10^8 = 100.53099944. Affects positionUnrealizedPnL.grossUnrealizedPnL, positionUnrealizedPnL.netUnrealizedPnL.


Request for getting historical tick data for the symbol.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
symbolId int64 Required Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform.
type ProtoOAQuoteType Required Bid/Ask (½).
fromTimestamp int64 Optional The Unix time in milliseconds of starting the search. Must be bigger or equal to zero (1st Jan 1970).
toTimestamp int64 Optional The Unix time in milliseconds of finishing the search. <= 2147483646000 (19th Jan 2038).


Response to the ProtoOAGetTickDataReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
tickData RepeatedField<ProtoOATickData> Repeated The list of ticks is in chronological order (newest first). The first tick contains Unix time in milliseconds while all subsequent ticks have the time difference in milliseconds between the previous and the current one.
hasMore bool Required If TRUE then the number of records by filter is larger than chunkSize, the response contains the number of records that is equal to chunkSize.


Request for getting historical trend bars for the symbol.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
fromTimestamp int64 Optional The Unix time in milliseconds from which the search starts. Must be bigger or equal to zero (1st Jan 1970).
toTimestamp int64 Optional The Unix time in milliseconds of finishing the search. Smaller or equal to 2147483646000 (19th Jan 2038).
period ProtoOATrendbarPeriod Required Specifies period of trend bar series (e.g. M1, M10, etc.).
symbolId int64 Required Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform.
count uint32 Optional Limit number of trend bars in response back from toTimestamp.


Response to the ProtoOAGetTrendbarsReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
period ProtoOATrendbarPeriod Required Specifies period of trend bar series (e.g. M1, M10, etc.).
timestamp int64 Optional Simply don't use this field, as your original request already contains toTimestamp.
trendbar RepeatedField<ProtoOATrendbar> Repeated The list of trend bars.
symbolId int64 Optional Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform.
hasMore bool Optional If TRUE then the number of records by filter is larger than chunkSize, the response contains the number of records that is equal to chunkSize.


Request for a list of existing margin call thresholds configured for a user.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required


Response with a list of existing user Margin Calls, usually contains 3 items.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
marginCall RepeatedField<ProtoOAMarginCall> Repeated


Event that is sent when account margin level reaches target marginLevelThreshold.

Event is sent no more than once every 10 minutes to avoid spamming.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required
marginCall ProtoOAMarginCall Required


Event that is sent when a Margin Call threshold configuration is updated.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required
marginCall ProtoOAMarginCall Required


Request to modify marginLevelThreshold of specified marginCallType for ctidTraderAccountId.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required
marginCall ProtoOAMarginCall Required


If this response received, it means that margin call was successfully updated.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional


Event that is sent when the margin allocated to a specific position is changed.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
positionId uint64 Required The unique ID of the position.
usedMargin uint64 Required The new value of the margin used.
moneyDigits uint32 Optional Specifies the exponent of the monetary values. E.g. moneyDigits = 8 must be interpret as business value multiplied by 10^8, then real balance would be 10053099944 / 10^8 = 100.53099944. Affects usedMargin.


Request for sending a new trading order.

Allowed only if the accessToken has the "trade" permissions for the trading account.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required The unique identifier of the trader's account in cTrader platform.
symbolId int64 Required The unique identifier of a symbol in cTrader platform.
orderType ProtoOAOrderType Required The type of an order - MARKET, LIMIT, STOP, MARKET_RANGE, STOP_LIMIT.
tradeSide ProtoOATradeSide Required The trade direction - BUY or SELL.
volume int64 Required The volume represented in 0.01 of a unit (e.g. 1000 in protocol means 10.00 units).
limitPrice double Optional The limit price, can be specified for the LIMIT order only.
stopPrice double Optional Stop Price, can be specified for the STOP and the STOP_LIMIT orders only.
timeInForce ProtoOATimeInForce Optional The specific order execution or expiration instruction - GOOD_TILL_DATE, GOOD_TILL_CANCEL, IMMEDIATE_OR_CANCEL, FILL_OR_KILL, MARKET_ON_OPEN.
expirationTimestamp int64 Optional The Unix time in milliseconds of Order expiration. Should be set for the Good Till Date orders.
stopLoss double Optional The absolute Stop Loss price (1.23456 for example). Not supported for the MARKER orders.
takeProfit double Optional The absolute Take Profit price (1.23456 for example). Unsupported for the MARKER orders.
comment string Optional User-specified comment. MaxLength = 512.
baseSlippagePrice double Optional Base price to calculate relative slippage price for MARKET_RANGE order.
slippageInPoints int32 Optional Slippage distance for MARKET_RANGE and STOP_LIMIT order.
label string Optional User-specified label. MaxLength = 100.
positionId int64 Optional Reference to the existing position if the Order is intended to modify it.
clientOrderId string Optional Optional user-specific clientOrderId (similar to FIX ClOrderID). MaxLength = 50.
relativeStopLoss int64 Optional Relative Stop Loss that can be specified instead of the absolute as one. Specified in 1/100000 of unit of a price. (e.g. 123000 in protocol means 1.23, 53423782 means 534.23782) For BUY stopLoss = entryPrice - relativeStopLoss, for SELL stopLoss = entryPrice + relativeStopLoss.
relativeTakeProfit int64 Optional Relative Take Profit that can be specified instead of the absolute one. Specified in 1/100000 of unit of a price. (e.g. 123000 in protocol means 1.23, 53423782 means 534.23782) For BUY takeProfit = entryPrice + relativeTakeProfit, for SELL takeProfit = entryPrice - relativeTakeProfit.
guaranteedStopLoss bool Optional If TRUE then stopLoss is guaranteed. Required to be set to TRUE for the Limited Risk accounts (ProtoOATrader.isLimitedRisk=true).
trailingStopLoss bool Optional If TRUE then the Stop Loss is Trailing.
stopTriggerMethod ProtoOAOrderTriggerMethod Optional Trigger method for the STOP or the STOP_LIMIT pending order.


Request for getting Order and its related Deals.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
orderId int64 Required The unique ID of the Order.


Response to the ProtoOAOrderDetailsReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
order ProtoOAOrder Required Order details.
deal RepeatedField<ProtoOADeal> Repeated All Deals created by filling the specified Order.


Event that is sent when errors occur during the order requests.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
errorCode string Required The name of the ProtoErrorCode or the other custom ErrorCodes (e.g. ProtoCHErrorCode).
orderId int64 Optional The unique ID of the order.
positionId int64 Optional The unique ID of the position.
description string Optional The error description.


Request for retrieving Orders related to a Position by using Position ID.

Filtered by utcLastUpdateTimestamp.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
positionId int64 Required The unique ID of the Position.
fromTimestamp int64 Optional The Unix time from which the search starts >=0 (1st Jan 1970). Search by utcLastUpdateTimestamp of the Order.
toTimestamp int64 Optional The Unix time where to stop searching <= 2147483646000 (19th Jan 2038). Search by utcLastUpdateTimestamp of the Order.


Response to ProtoOAOrderListByPositionIdReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
order RepeatedField<ProtoOAOrder> Repeated Orders related to the specified Position, sorted by utcLastUpdateTimestamp in descending order (newest first).
hasMore bool Required If TRUE then the number of records by filter is larger than chunkSize, the response contains the number of records that is equal to chunkSize.


Request for getting Trader's orders filtered by timestamp

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
fromTimestamp int64 Optional The Unix time from which the search starts >=0 (1st Jan 1970).
toTimestamp int64 Optional The Unix time where to stop searching <= 2147483646000 (19th Jan 2038).


The response to the ProtoOAOrderListReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
order RepeatedField<ProtoOAOrder> Repeated The list of the orders.
hasMore bool Required If TRUE then the number of records by filter is larger than chunkSize, the response contains the number of records that is equal to chunkSize.


Request for getting Trader's current open positions and pending orders data.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
returnProtectionOrders bool Optional If TRUE, then current protection orders are returned separately, otherwise you can use position.stopLoss and position.takeProfit fields.


The response to the ProtoOAReconcileReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
position RepeatedField<ProtoOAPosition> Repeated The list of trader's account open positions.
order RepeatedField<ProtoOAOrder> Repeated The list of trader's account pending orders.


Request to refresh the access token using refresh token of granted trader's account.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
refreshToken string Required The Refresh Token issued for updating Access Token.


Response to the ProtoOARefreshTokenReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
accessToken string Required The Access Token issued for providing access to the Trader's Account.
tokenType string Required bearer
expiresIn int64 Required Access Token expiration in seconds.
refreshToken string Required Your new Refresh Token.


Event that is sent when a new spot event is generated on the server side.

Requires subscription on the spot events, see ProtoOASubscribeSpotsReq.

First event, received after subscription will contain latest spot prices even if market is closed.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
symbolId int64 Required Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform.
bid uint64 Optional Bid price. Specified in 1/100000 of unit of a price. (e.g. 123000 in protocol means 1.23, 53423782 means 534.23782)
ask uint64 Optional Ask price. Specified in 1/100000 of unit of a price. (e.g. 123000 in protocol means 1.23, 53423782 means 534.23782)
trendbar RepeatedField<ProtoOATrendbar> Repeated Returns live trend bar. Requires subscription on the trend bars.
sessionClose uint64 Optional Last session close. Specified in 1/100000 of unit of a price. (e.g. 123000 in protocol means 1.23, 53423782 means 534.23782)
timestamp int64 Optional The Unix time for spot.


Request for subscribing on depth of market of the specified symbol.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
symbolId RepeatedField<int64> Repeated Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform.


Response to the ProtoOASubscribeDepthQuotesReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.


Request for subscribing for live trend bars.

Requires subscription on the spot events, see ProtoOASubscribeSpotsReq.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
period ProtoOATrendbarPeriod Required Specifies period of trend bar series (e.g. M1, M10, etc.).
symbolId int64 Required Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform.


Response to the ProtoOASubscribeLiveTrendbarReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.


Request for subscribing on spot events of the specified symbol.

After successful subscription you'll receive technical ProtoOASpotEvent with latest price, after which you'll start receiving updates on prices via consequent ProtoOASpotEvents.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
symbolId RepeatedField<int64> Repeated Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform.
subscribeToSpotTimestamp bool Optional If TRUE you will also receive the timestamp in ProtoOASpotEvent.


Response to the ProtoOASubscribeSpotsReq request.

Reflects that your request to subscribe for symbol has been added to queue.

You'll receive technical ProtoOASpotEvent with current price shortly after this response.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.


Request for getting a full symbol entity.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
symbolId RepeatedField<int64> Repeated Unique identifier of the symbol in cTrader platform.


Response to the ProtoOASymbolByIdReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
symbol RepeatedField<ProtoOASymbol> Repeated Symbol entity with the full set of fields.
archivedSymbol RepeatedField<ProtoOAArchivedSymbol> Repeated Archived symbols.


Request for a list of symbol categories available for a trading account.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.


Response to the ProtoSymbolCategoryListReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
symbolCategory RepeatedField<ProtoOASymbolCategory> Repeated The list of symbol categories.


Event that is sent when the symbol is changed on the Server side.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
symbolId RepeatedField<int64> Repeated Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform.


Request for getting a conversion chain between two assets that consists of several symbols.

Use when no direct quote is available.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
firstAssetId int64 Required The ID of the firs asset in the conversation chain. e.g.: for EUR/USD the firstAssetId is EUR ID and lastAssetId is USD ID.
lastAssetId int64 Required The ID of the last asset in the conversation chain. e.g.: for EUR/USD the firstAssetId is EUR ID and lastAssetId is USD ID.


Response to the ProtoOASymbolsForConversionReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
symbol RepeatedField<ProtoOALightSymbol> Repeated Conversion chain of the symbols (e.g. EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/JPY -> EUR/GBP).


Request for a list of symbols available for a trading account.

Symbol entries are returned with the limited set of fields.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
includeArchivedSymbols bool Optional Whether to include old archived symbols into response.


Response to the ProtoOASymbolsListReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
symbol RepeatedField<ProtoOALightSymbol> Repeated The list of symbols.
archivedSymbol RepeatedField<ProtoOAArchivedSymbol> Repeated The list of archived symbols.


Request for getting data of Trader's Account.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.


Response to the ProtoOATraderReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
trader ProtoOATrader Required The Trader account information.


Event that is sent when a Trader is updated on Server side.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
trader ProtoOATrader Required The Trader account information.


Event that is sent when the level of the Trailing Stop Loss is changed due to the price level changes.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
positionId int64 Required The unique ID of the position.
orderId int64 Required The unique ID of the order.
stopPrice double Required New value of the Stop Loss price.
utcLastUpdateTimestamp int64 Required The Unix time in milliseconds when the Stop Loss was updated.


Request for unsubscribing from the depth of market of the specified symbol.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
symbolId RepeatedField<int64> Repeated Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform.


Response to the ProtoOAUnsubscribeDepthQuotesReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.


Request for unsubscribing from the live trend bars.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
period ProtoOATrendbarPeriod Required Specifies period of trend bar series (e.g. M1, M10, etc.).
symbolId int64 Required Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform.


Response to the ProtoOASubscribeLiveTrendbarReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.


Request for unsubscribing from the spot events of the specified symbol.

Request to stop receiving ProtoOASpotEvents related to particular symbols.

Unsubscription is useful to minimize traffic, especially during high volatility events.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.
symbolId RepeatedField<int64> Repeated Unique identifier of the Symbol in cTrader platform.


Response to the ProtoOASubscribeSpotsRes request.

Reflects that your request to unsubscribe will has been added to queue and will be completed shortly.

You may still occasionally receive ProtoOASpotEvents until request processing is complete.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
ctidTraderAccountId int64 Required Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.


Request for getting the proxy version.

Can be used to check the current version of the Open API scheme.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional


Response to the ProtoOAVersionReq request.

Field Type Label Description
payloadType ProtoOAPayloadType Optional
version string Required The current version of the server application.